“Pretty obvious, isn’t it?” She gestures to the bags. “Shopping.”
“Do you want company?”
“I’m actually finished.” She shrugs, the smallest shade of pink creeping across her face.
“Okay, so what are you doing now?” I press on.
“Going home to put this stuff away.”
“Do you want company for that?”
She looks around as if she’s hoping for someone to jump in and save her. Or maybe she’s looking for paparazzi. I hadn’t considered that, the run in with Brandy throwing me off my game.
Her gaze comes back to mine and she stares at me for a long moment, as if she’s trying to talk herself into something, or out of something, the indecision on her face clear as the sky above us.
“Come on.” She jerks her head before taking off, walking.
“Where are we going?” I quickly follow after her. If she’s going to throw me a bone, I’m going to gobble that shit up so fast she’ll have no choice but to give me another. And after Brandy, honestly, I could use the distraction. Two birds, one stone.
“My place, or did you miss the part about me putting this stuff away?” She swings the shopping bags.
“Careful, Hamilton, I might get the wrong impression,” I tease, allowing her to stay a couple steps ahead of me.
She’s dressed casually in gray cotton shorts and a navy top, her hair tied up messily. I have to admit, I think I like her better this way than all put together with not a single hair out of place. Something tells me the Clarke she tries to sell to the outside world isn’t who she actually is at all.
“And what impression would that be?” she asks, keeping up her quick pace. “That I need to put this stuff away?”
“That you might actually like me.”
She instantly slows, waiting for me to step up next to her.
“I don’tnotlike you.” She nibbles on her bottom lip, her eyes forward. “It’s just…”
“Complicated,” I finish her sentence, already knowing what she’s going to say. Not the first time she’s said almost that exact same line to me. And I gotta admit, I’m curious. Then again, I’m also bored as shit so maybe that’s why I’m intrigued. I need something in my life, even if it is someone else’s drama.
“Exactly.” She nods.
“So then what are we doing?”
“What do you mean?” She glances up at me for a brief moment before turning her attention forward.
“You’re taking me back to your place.” I state the obvious. “Why not just tell me to fuck off?”
“You seem… like you could use a friend. And we’re friends, right? Isn’t that what you said you wanted?”
“Given the way you left yesterday, I thought maybe you’d changed your mind.”
“I did.” I watch her mouth tip up in a small smile. “But then I saw the look on your face as you walked out of that bar and I don’t know… I think maybe I judged you a little harshly.”
“How’s that?” I arch a brow.
“I just assumed Treyton Tyler didn’t have a heart.”
“How can you be so sure that I do?”
“Because I could see it. Or, what’s left of it.”