“Um…” I don’t try to hide my confusion at Treyton’s unexpected appearance at my house. “How did you get in here?”

He gives me one look that says it all.

Of course, he could talk his way into my building. He’s Treyton Tyler. Hell, my neighbors and lobby staff were probably lining up to be the one who got to let him inside.

“Whatare you doing here?” I try a different question, one that’s answer is not so easily guessed.

“We have plans.”

“No, we don’t.”

“Yes, we do. Remember? We talked about it last night?”

“We discussed hanging out. We had no definitive plans.”

“Technicality.” He shrugs, pushing his way past me into my condo.

“By all means, come on in,” I grumble, sticking my head out of the door.

I look both ways down the hallway to be sure no one is lurking around a corner, photographing him coming into my apartment. That picture would not be as easily explained away as the others.

When I’m sure the coast is clear, I step back and close the door.

“Where’s your entourage?” I ask, turning to find him looking around the small area.

“They’re outside.” He nods, looking over his shoulder. “Cool space.”

“Well, it certainly isn’t what you’re accustomed to, but I like it.” I kick off my shoes-finally-and head into the kitchen, which is open to the rest of the condo.

It’s really just one big room, the only separation being the bedroom and bathroom.

“I’d love to own something like this.” He walks over to the wall of windows and checks out the view of the city, which isn’t too shabby for only being four floors up. Then again, the building sits at the top of a hill so from up here it feels like you’re on top of the city.

“Says the man who just bought a ten thousand square foot home in Malibu and probably owns many others.” I grab a water from the fridge, closing the door with my hip before twisting off the cap and taking a small sip, trying not to completely freak the hell out that he’s standing inside my condo right now.

“They’re just for show. I don’t live in any of them. Well, that’s not true. I live in one of them. The first house I bought after I signed my starting deal with the Dodgers.”

I suck water down the wrong hole and end up sputtering out my response.

“Excuse me?”

“What?” He turns, flopping down on my couch like he’s been here a million times before, stretching out his long legs, resting his feet on the ottoman in from of him, without removing his shoes might I add.

“You mean to tell me, you go around buying multi-million dollar homes yet you don’t live in any of them?”

“Pretty much.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal.

“You realize that’s insane, right?”

“I prefer to look at it as keeping up the lifestyle appearance.”

“Never mind the starving children living all over the world, as long as everyone sees all the expensive houses you own.”

“I donate plenty of money to charity, I’ll have you know.”

“How generous of you.” I roll my eyes.

“I have a way of pushing your buttons, don’t I?”