Page 121 of All the Bright Lights

“Yeah, well, you didn’t. So suck it up, buttercup.” She stands, turning to offer me her hands.

Letting out a hard puff of air, I finally take her hands and allow her to pull me to my feet.

Unlocking my front door, I lean down to retrieve the large envelope leaning against it before pushing my way inside. Dropping my bag on the floor, I kick the door shut before making my way further inside my condo.

It feels weird being here.

Everything is exactly as I left it, yet feels so entirely different. Empty even.

Turning the envelope over in my hand, I look at the shipping label, curious as to what it could be. Usually when someone delivers a package, they hold it at the front desk.

From People Magazine, expedited overnight and addressed to me.

“What the hell.” I drop down onto my couch, tearing the top open before peering inside.

A magazine… Okay, not surprising considering who sent it. But that still begs the question, why isPeople Magazineexpediting me one of their magazines? Don’t these things usually come in the regular mail?

Pulling it from the envelope, I flip it over to look at the cover. And right away I’m pretty sure I forget how to breathe when I see a picture of me and Treyton on the cover. And not a paparazzi photo either. No, a personal photo. One I remember him taking like it was yesterday. We’re lying on top of my bed, fully dressed, and I’m turned to his side, hiding my smile in the crook of his neck as his is turned up for the camera. And I’m fairly certain we were completely naked not ten minutes after this photo was taken.

I smile in spite of the pain splintering through my chest.

Right above the picture is a handwritten note taped to the cover.

Clarke- Thought you might like to see our new issue before it’s published.

That’s it. No signature. No indication of who it’s from, only that someone from the magazine sent it to me.

But why?

Peeling off the note, I get my first look at the headline, tears instantly stinging the backs of my eyes.

Treyton Tyler opens up about his reputation, his career, and the woman that changed everything.

I swear to God, I can’t get that magazine open fast enough.

I rustle through the pages until I find the cover story, which is two full pages, front and back.

I read like my life depends on it.

Then I go back and read it again for a second time, because I’m fairly certain I missed half of what was written in my haste to get through it.

He talks about the end of his baseball career. About his acting career. About his reputation. And then, about me. Explaining in explicit detail what he and his PR team had concocted and how he doesn’t for one second regret going through with it because it led him to me.

He talks about how he didn’t know what love was before me. How he hadn’t realized how dark his life had become until he found my light. And how he’s determined to do anything to earn my forgiveness.

The reporter asks him what he plans to do to win me back, to which his reply is one word: anything.


I close the magazine, tears blurring my vision to the point that I can no longer see the words printed on the pages.

What does this mean?

Is this just another ploy?

A counter measure in case I decide to go public with what he did to me? Get ahead of it so they can spin it to meet their own narrative?

But he has to know I would never…