Page 111 of All the Bright Lights

Then again, that’s Treyton. For all his perfections, he’s got a lot of flaws. And this is one of them. He did it to me that day in my condo when he opened the door for my mom, when I clearly didn’t want to see her. He pushes himself into situations that don’t involve him. At first I thought it was entitlement, but now I almost wonder if it doesn’t have something to do with his own insecurities. Though had you asked me a few weeks ago, I’d have said he didn’t have any of those.

“I hope it’s okay that I stopped by.” He turns his attention back to my parents.

“Are you kidding?” My dad grins. “We’ve been rather eager to meet the man that has our daughter so smitten.”

“Smitten?” Treyton squeezes my hand, but keeps his gaze on my father. “Well, sir, I’m quite smitten with her, as well.”

I fight the smile threatening to spill across my face because damn it, I’m mad at him.

I am mad at him, right?

Yet, as I sit back and watch him talk to my parents like he’s known them his whole life, I can’t stomach the emotion, no matter how badly I want to. I want to be pissed. But I can’t.

He’s just so damn charming.

He and my father talk baseball. He tells them about the movie he’s shooting and even invites them to come to set and see it all firsthand.

We end up sitting there so long that my father insists on ordering Treyton food, which he gladly accepts, and devours as the evening wears on.

We don’t exit the restaurant until over an hour after he arrived, and by the time we do, he has my father eating out of his hand and my mother? Well, whatever reservations she harbored about him, I’m pretty sure those are long gone.

“Here’s my manager’s number.” Treyton hands my father a card. “Just give her a call and she’ll get you all squared away for those Dodgers tickets. I’ll make sure she gives you the V.I.P. treatment.” He shakes my father’s hand.

“I’ll be sure to do that, thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure, truly. They’ve got one hell of a team this year.”

“Yes, they do,” my dad agrees.

“Sylvie,” he turns to my mom, “it was an absolute pleasure to meet you. I hope you’ll take me up on my offer to stay at the Malibu house. Anytime you want. Clarke can tell you, it’s got a view like you wouldn’t believe.”

“It’s true,” I agree.

“Thank you, Trey. That’s very generous of you.”

“It’s nothing. I’m happy to do it.” He leans in to kiss her cheek and if I’m not mistaken, my mother actually blushes.

“Mom.” I step in and hug her, kissing her on the same cheek.

“He’s wonderful,” she whispers in my ear.

“I know,” I whisper back before releasing her.

“Daddy.” I step into his embrace next. He squeezes me tight and kisses the top of my head.

“Love you, honey.”

“Love you, too.”

With that, we turn in opposite directions, with my parents heading one way, me and Treyton heading the other.

“Well, I think that went quite well.” Treyton drops an arm around me that I instantly shake off.

Looking over my shoulder, I make sure my parents are out of earshot before I speak.

“What were you thinking, showing up like that?”

“What do you mean? I thought you’d be happy.” He stops walking and I do the same. Turning to face him head on, I see Nick pull to a stop not far behind us.