Page 110 of All the Bright Lights

If he wants to meet my parents and they want to meet him, what’s my hold up?

I think maybe, deep down, I’m still waiting on the other shoe… You know, the one that’s sure to drop eventually. Because really, how long can a woman live in a glass castle before something comes along and shatters it to the ground?

“There’s no problem. It’s like I told you before, I just don’t want to rush things.”

That’s partly true. I guess what I should really say is I’m trying to manage the fallout when this thing goes south.

If,Clarke.If,not when.

I don’t know what’s going on with me. It’s like the closer we get, the more scared I become. I feel like it shouldn’t be this way. Or maybe it should. Maybe this is entirely normal when you fall head over ass for someone. But I wouldn’t know. If I thought I had loved someone before Treyton, I was wrong. Because until him, I don’t think I truly understood what it meant to feel something so strongly for another person that it completely consumes you and swallows you whole.

“I get that, honey, I do.” My mom cuts into my thoughts. “But it feels like there’s more to it.”

Damn. Am I that transparent?

“What do you mean?” I ask as if I have no idea what she’s talking about.

“Like you’re holding back for some reason.”

Well she just hit the nail right on the freaking head, didn’t she?

“Maybe a little.” I realize I’m going to have to give her a little more honesty. “But not because I don’t have feelings for him. That’s far from the case.”

“Do you think maybe you’re afraid to pop the bubble?” she asks.

Is that it?

Am I afraid things will change once we fully submerse ourselves in each other’s lives and everything that entails? I feel like my mom is guiding me to answers she doesn’t even know I need.

“Maybe a little,” I admit.

“The only way to know if it’s a good car is to take it out on the road and see how it handles.” My dad smiles.

“Only you would compare my relationship to test driving a new car.”

“He’s not wrong, though.” My shoulders tense and I swear the world turns on its axis when Treyton’s voice washes over me from behind.

“What the…” I turn to the side right as Treyton slides into the empty chair next to me.

“Hey.” He kisses my cheek.

“Um…” Heat floods my face. “What are you doing here?” I whisper hiss, catching sight of Nick as he takes an open table in the corner and positions himself toward us.

Treyton looks past me, to my father.

“I’m sorry to interrupt. When Clarke said she was meeting you here for dinner, I couldn’t resist stopping by to introduce myself.”

“No problem at all.” The two men reach across the table in front of me and shake hands. “Jesse Hamilton,” my father introduces himself. “And this is my wife, Sylvie.”

“Pleasure to meet you both.” He nods toward my mother with a smile.

“We were just grilling Clarke here on when we were going to get to meet you. She didn’t mention you were coming,” my mom tells him.

“Probably because I didn’t know he was,” I grind out, not sure how to process his unexpected arrival. “I thought you were shooting until late,” I direct to Treyton.

“We wrapped early.” He takes my hand under the table, as if to silently saysorry.

I don’t think he even considered that I might be irritated with him for taking it upon himself to meet my parents without waiting until I could arrange it properly.