Page 103 of All the Bright Lights

“Surprise.” He drops a kiss to the side of my head.

“Trey…” I smile, my heart so full I feel like it might burst at any moment.

“You called me Trey.”

I look to my left to find him watching me, a look I can’t quite place on his face.


“Please, don’t. Everyone who’s important to me calls me Trey. And you, Clarke Hamilton, are so important.” He steps in front of me, his hand snagging around my waist to pull me in closer.

“Okay,” I whisper, his mouth so close I can almost taste him on my tongue.

“Say it.” He drops a soft kiss to my lips.

“Trey.” I smile against his mouth.

He groans against me.

“It’s taking everything in me not to strip you bare and take you right here and now.” He drops his forehead to mine.

“Then why don’t you?”

“Oh, I will.” He pulls back. “But first…” He takes my hand again, leading me toward the blanket.

After guiding me down onto a big, fluffy pillow, he takes a seat directly across from me. Reaching forward, he opens the basket and starts to pull out an array of items, setting them between us.

Fruit. Champagne. Little bite sized sandwiches. Chocolates.

The romantic gesture means more than he could possibly know. Because all this time I’ve been trying to convince myself that there’s no way he feels the same way about me, but time and time again he proves me wrong.

My mother said to find a man who makes you feel like you’re the most important person in the world, and Treyton does that. Over and over again he’s shown me how much I mean to him. In his touch. In his kiss. In his whispered words in the dark. And in this. In him bringing me here and arranging all of this.

Every day it becomes more evident how much I seriously misjudged the man across from me. He is nothing like I thought he was upon that first meeting.

He is sweet. And kind. And thoughtful. And so damn sexy that most days I have to wipe my mouth to make sure I’m not drooling. But he’s more than that too. He’s funny and wild. Determined and stubborn. And romantic, as it turns out.

I watch him pop the bottle of champagne open, laughing when some of the liquid sprays down the front of his shirt.

Without a word, he hands me the bottle before making quick work of pulling the damp fabric over his head, putting his incredible body on full display. I bite down on my lip, feeling hot from more than just the bright sun overhead.

Handing him the bottle back, he pours a glass of champagne, handing it to me before pouring one for himself.

“Are we celebrating, Mr. Tyler?” I ask, tipping the glass to my lips.

“We are.”

“And what are we celebrating?”

He holds up his glass.




“Okay.” I fight to keep my smile from taking over my whole face as I too, raise my glass.