“You sure you just don’t want to have me over?”

“Of course, I’m sure. I’ve had you over before.”

“I know, but not really. I didn’t even go inside the first time and the second time I was so drunk I barely remember even being there.”

“Okay, we’ll meet at my place.”

“You’re sure?” She seems unsure.

“Will it make you happy?”

“Being with you makes me happy.”

“And you saying that makes me happy.” I kiss her again. “I’ll call you when I’m finished on set.”

“Okay.” She nods, backing away. “I hope you enjoy your dinner.”

“Oh, I will. But I’m going to enjoy dessert even more.” I wiggle my eyebrows up and down suggestively.

A blush steals her cheeks, which makes me smile even harder.

“I’ll see you later.” She pushes the door open, and exits the trailer.

“I’ll be counting down the seconds,” I call after her, and while she doesn’t turn around, I can tell by the slight shake of her shoulders that I’ve made her laugh.

When I shut the door after watching her disappear from view, I’m still wearing a stupid fucking smile on my face.

Fuck me…

“Tell me something not everyone knows about you.” Clarke rolls from her back to her side, draping her arm across my abdomen.

“You mean, besides the fact that I’m completely smitten by you?”

“Stop.” She gently smacks my stomach, to which I respond with a dramatic groan. “I’m serious. One thing that would surprise your fans if they found out.”

I think on that for a moment, my gaze turned toward the ceiling.

It’s late.

Hell, I couldn’t even tell you what time.

And even though I have to be on set early in the morning, I’m in no rush to call it a night.

“When I was a kid, I was obsessed with the California Raisins.”

“Wait. You mean the singing raisins?”

“The very same.” I laugh at myself. “I actually still have the little figurines somewhere in the basement.”

“No, you don’t.” She abruptly sits up.

“I really do.” I attempt to tug her back down into my arms but she quickly rolls out of my grasp and off the bed. “What the hell are you doing?” I whine.

“I need proof.” She snags my t-shirt off the floor and slips it over her head.

“You expect me to go down and dig through storage this late?”

“Proof or it didn’t happen.” With that, she sprints out of my room.