But she has no reason to trust me, and I don’t fault her for one second for that. You can never be too certain these days. But I’m extremely careful. I get tested often and in truth, haven’t slept with anyone without a condom before or after Brandy. So when she lifts her hips and urges me forward, I’m both shocked and salivating.

I sink deep inside of her again, and this time is even sweeter than the first.

I wake with a start, blinking into the brightness of the room. It takes a moment for my eyes to clear, only to land on a mess of blonde hair spread across my chest and an arm draped across my middle.


Last night feels like a fucking dream.

Hell, I’m not entirely sure I’m not dreaming right now.

But then she stirs, and suddenly it’s all too real.

I should get the hell out of here. I should be running for the door as quickly as my fucking feet will carry me. But something holds me in place. Maybe it’s because I’m too damn comfortable. Or maybe it’s because leaving is exactly what Clarke expects me to do and at the end of the day, I need her to think I’m better than I actually am if I hope to keep her around long enough for Kat’s ridiculous plan to work.

Nice guys don’t leave after a night full of fucking, especially when she let me drop my load inside of her not once, but twice. That’s kind of on a whole other level, even for me.

Careful not to disturb Clarke, whose breathing is soft and even, I reach to my right and blindly feel around for my phone, which I dropped there last night after texting Micah to tell him to head home.

Finally locating the device, I hold the screen directly in front of my face, my eyes still not entirely focused. I scroll through my notifications before determining there’s nothing pressing that needs my attention, then open my calendar.

“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath when I see I have the baseball camp that Kat insisted I host—good publicity and all—scheduled from noon to four. Today will be my last of four sessions, and I’m more than fucking ready to get it over with.

Don’t get me wrong, I love everything that has to do with baseball and I fucking love teaching kids who might one day love it as much as I do, but I hate how publicized the whole thing is. Sometimes there are more photographers on the sidelines than there are kids in the camp.

Then an idea hits me…Photographers.

Checking the time, I see it’s already after nine.

“Clarke.” I rub my hand up and down her arm, feeling her instantly stir. “Clarke,” I repeat, watching her eyes flutter open moments later.

She blinks rapidly, as if she too is trying to process the way in which she’s waking up. Or maybe it’s that she’s surprised as hell I’m still here.

“Hi.” I grin down at her.

“Hey,” she groans, rolling to her back before stretching her arms over her head, giving me the ultimate view of her perfect tits. “What time is it?” she asks, letting her arms drop to the mattress, still outstretched.

“Almost nine-thirty.” I roll toward her, letting my fingers travel along her slender stomach.

“Is it really?” She lets her head fall in my direction. “I never sleep this late.”

“Guess I wore you out.” I smirk.

“Guess so.” She bites down on her bottom lip to contain the smile threatening to spill across her face. “I didn’t think you’d still be here.”

“Guess you wore me out, too.”

Well played, Tyler. Well played.

“What are you doing today?” I ask before she can say anything else, letting my fingers inch upward toward her chest. When she doesn’t protest, I take one of her nipples between my fingers and roll it back and forth gently.

“Um…” She has to think about this, clearly distracted by my touch. “It’s Saturday, right?”

“It is,” I confirm.

“I had a couple showings scheduled for today but since the house I was showing has technically sold, those have been canceled.”

“So you’re saying you’re free?” I release her nipple, only to move to the other seconds later.