“Well, if you change your mind, you know how to reach me.” She pushes her sunglasses up on her face. “It really was so good to see you, Trey.”

“Yeah,” is all I can manage before I spin around and head in the opposite direction that I was originally heading, my unexpected run in with Brandy throwing my already scrambled brain into an absolute spiral.

I mean, come on, is she fucking serious? Work with her? After everything she put me through. And I’m not just talking about the cheating, but what happened after my acting career really took off. In an interview withVogue, she tried to take credit for my rise to fame, stating the only reason anyone cared about me was because I’d dated her.

Yep, you heard that right. She cheats on me and then over a decade later tries to take credit for my success. And now she wants me to work with her. Not fucking likely.

I turn right, heading directly into the bar across the street, not even waiting for the bartender to greet me before demanding a shot of whiskey, to which he immediately complies.

The alcohol is warm on my throat but does nothing to calm the kick of my heart against my ribs.

I immediately ask for another, sliding into one of the stools as the bartender refills my glass.

“Rough day?” he guesses.

“You could say that.” I throw back the second shot, tapping the rim to indicate that I’d like another. He fills it again.

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Why? So you can run to some sleazy tabloid and see how much bank you can make?” I grind, slamming the shot glass down on the bar. “Thanks, but no thanks.” I fish a hundred dollar bill out of my wallet, tossing it onto the counter before quickly exiting the establishment. Micah, who was standing by the door, quickly follows me out.

That’s all I need is to be seen in a rundown joint in the middle of the afternoon, hitting the bottle like it’s my lifeline.

The whiskey alleviates the sting of seeing Brandy but doesn’t take it away completely. Fuck her and her bullshit. I try to shake it off but it continues to linger.

I decide to head toward Clarke’s, my original destination, but as if the universe were having a real good fucking laugh at my expense, as soon as I turn, she’s right in front of me, a couple cloth shopping bags draped over one arm.

She looks from me to the bar behind me, then back to me.

“Little early, isn’t it?” She arches a brow, her gaze shooting to Micah when he steps up next to me.

“Clarke, this is Micah. Micah, meet Clarke Hamilton.”

“Miss Hamilton.” Micah nods.

“Hi.” She gives a little awkward wave. “How many bodyguards do you have again?” She turns her attention back to me.

“Two primary.”

“Primary? You mean there are more?”

“I’m Treyton Tyler, Clarke. What do you expect?”

“Sorry, I forgot I’m in the presence of royalty.” She rolls her eyes, her go to reaction to quite a few things so I’ve learned. “Having a rough day, your grace?”

“If you knew the half,” I grumble, scrubbing my hand over my face.

“That bad?” Her voice softens.

“Worse.” I grimace.

“What are you doing all the way out here?” She eyes me skeptically, looking at Micah as if he’s going to answer her.

“I was actually coming to see you.” Her gaze shoots back to me.

“Right…” She shakes her head slowly. “And what, got lost along the way?”

“More like ran into someone along the way.” She must read something on my face because she doesn’t spout off one of her usual smart ass comments. “What are you doing?”