I could be aggressive. Play this the way I normally would. Press myself against her, whisper in her ear, make her ache in a way that drives her mad until she’s begging me to fuck her. But something tells me that wouldn’t work on Clarke. I think she’d be more likely to knee me in the nuts than let me kiss her at this point.

But I am nothing, if not up for a good challenge. And while she may not like me, something tells me she doesn’t hate me as much as she’s trying to let on. If she did, she wouldn’t be here right now. And at least I can work with that.

“I know that look.” She reaches behind her, grabbing the edge of the pool to keep herself above water.

“What look?”

“That look.” She gestures to my face.

“I think you’re seeing things,” I say flatly.

“Maybe,” she concedes. “Just so long as you stay on your side of the pool.”

I turn and quickly swim to the far side before turning back toward her.

“Is this far enough?” I holler.

“That’ll have to do, I guess.” She smiles before slowly disappearing under the water.

“Well, how’d it go?” Kat asks, taking a seat across from me on the plush sofa, having let herself into my house.

“How’d what go?” I play stupid, knowing damn well that she’s asking about Clarke.

“Don’t play coy with me…” She gives me a pointed glare. “Yesterday. Clarke. The last thing you texted was that you got her to agree to come back here.”

“I did.” I yawn like I couldn’t be more bored with the conversation. Truth be told, I am bored, but not just with this conversation, but with my life in general. For someone who hasn’t taken a day off in nearly twenty years, this drought of employment is killing me.


“And, I’m still alive with both my nuts intact.” I scratch my chin, the growing stubble rough under my fingers.

“Trey.” She blows out a hard breath.

“What?” I let a humorless smile slide across my lips. “It’s true.”

“Yes, and I’m glad that your balls are still intact, but that doesn’t answer my question.”

“Which was what again?” Now I’m purposely trying to rile her up.

Truthfully, I’m a little riled up myself. And I’d be lying if I said my frustration didn’t lie solely with a certain blonde who seems immune to everything I throw her way. As soon as I think I’ve got her in my grasp, she does a one-eighty and sends me spiraling right back to Earth.

I can’t say I’ve ever had a woman over for a swim—or anything else for that matter—and not end up balls deep inside of her. Not only did that not happen, but Clarke stayed so far away from me in the pool that she had me feeling like a diseased leper.

Not to mention that after less than an hour she abruptly announced that she needed to leave and before I could stop her, was gathering her things and heading for the door.

I honestly have no idea what the fuck happened.

Then again, there’s very little about this woman I understand. Though if I’m being honest with myself, there is something oddly refreshing to her unpredictability, which is the opposite of how I expected to feel.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s infuriating as hell too.

“Why do you purposely give me a hard time?” Kat crosses her ankles.

“Because you make it so damn easy.” I grin. “But seriously, I think maybe we’re fighting a losing battle with this one. You know I love a challenge as much as the next guy, but I don’t have the time or the patience to spend on a person who clearly hates everything about me.”

“Did she say she hates everything about you?”

“She didn’t have to, her actions were pretty fucking clear.”