“Yeah, because that’s so much better.”

“Come on, I thought you loved adventure.”

“I do.”

“Then take an adventure with me. What do you have to lose?”

I consider this for a long moment. Because really, what do I have to lose? Obviously, my family won’t agree with me hanging out with Treyton, even if we are just friends. But they’ll get over it eventually, right? I’m twenty-nine years old. I can make my own choices. And I’m smart enough to know where to draw the line here. I amnotmy mother.

Why am I trying to find ways to justify this when I should be running for the hills? I wish I could find an answer to that question. Yesterday I was so determined to keep him from getting under my skin and today I’m realizing he slipped in without me noticing.

“Do you have a pool?” I bite the inside of my cheek.

“What do you think?”

“Is it heated?”

“Do I look like a caveman to you?”

He throws his head back on a deep laugh when I kick him under the table. Such a smug asshole.

“You try anything and I swear, you’ll never see me again. We clear?”

“Crystal.” He holds his hand up.

“I have a feeling I might regret this,” I say more to myself than to him.