
“Treyton Tyler… You were out withtheTreyton Tyler. And I had to find out about it from pictures on TMZ?” My best friend Bonnie squeals into the phone before I’m able to utter a simple hello.

“Wait…What?” A nervous knot lodges itself in my throat.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“What pictures?” I manage to croak out.

“Seriously… Hang on.” She goes silent for a few seconds. “There, I just texted them to you.”

“You saved them?”

“Um, duh.” She laughs. “It’s not every day your best friend goes out with the hottest piece of ass in L.A.”

Without even bothering to reply, I click my phone over to speaker and open my text messages.

My heart sinks into my stomach when, sure enough, there’s at least ten photos, all of Treyton and me together. And they make us look…

“Oh. My. God.” My hand goes to my mouth. “They make us look like… like…”

“Oh yeah.” I hear the smile in her voice. “Then again, what did you expect? After all, you were on a date, were you not?”

“No. I mean, yes. But not like a date, date. It was more of a business dinner.”

“A business dinner.” Her tone reeks of skepticism.

“He’s buying one of my houses.”

I nervously chew on my bottom lip as I flip through the photos again. Our arms intertwined as we walked to the restaurant. Us smiling at each other from across the table. Him kissing me on the cheek outside of my building.

We were photographed.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Of course, we were photographed.

He’s TreytonfreakingTyler.

Why had I not considered this?

“Do you think my dad has seen these?” I don’t know why I’m asking her that question, not like she has any idea.

“Shit, I didn’t even think… No, I doubt he has. Besides, even if he does, there’s a very reasonable explanation.”

“Yeah, which sounds like bullshit when you look at the pictures.”

My mind swirls back to something Treyton said last night. How you can’t believe the tabloids, no matter what story the pictures tell.

“Yeah, and they didn’t do you many favors with the article either…Hollywood’s Playboy At It Again or This Time Is It Love?”

“Shut up.” I groan. “What am I going to do, Bon?”

“That depends, are you seeing him again? Holy shit. How cool would it be if you two became a thing? My best friend datingtheTreyton Tyler. Can you even imagine?”

“No, I can’t, because it’s not going to happen. It was one dinner.”