Page 113 of All the Bright Lights

“That’s my girl.” He rewards me with a kiss so intense, my knees damn near give out from underneath me.

I’ll say one thing about Treyton Tyler, he knows exactly how to crumble every single one of my defenses. And what’s worse, he doesn’t even have to put forth any real effort at all.

“Finally!” Bonnie screams into my ear when I answer the phone.

“Um, hello to you too.” I lock my door behind me, on my way to prep for an open house I’m hosting this evening for a property in Santa Monica.

“Will he put it a ring on it or won’t he? Relationship between Treyton Tyler and local real estate agent, Clarke Hamilton, heats up after the two are spotted out with Ms. Hamilton’s parents,” she says in her best reporter voice. “It’s about time you gave me front page!”

“Wait, we’re on the front page?” I press the elevator call button, and the doors ding open moments later.

“Oh, yeah. And it’s a good one, too.”

“Don’t just say it’s a good one, tell me what it is!” I demand, as I make my downward descent.

“Let’s just say, you two are on the sidewalk and there’s some major tongue action happening.” She giggles. “Oh, and let’s not forget about the other picture.”

“What other picture?”

“The one of the four of you eating dinner.”

“They put my parents on the front page?”

“They sure did. I gotta say, I’m really surprised, considering everything that happened with your mom, that you introduced them so soon.”

“It wasn’t by choice,” I groan, heading through the lobby and outside. “He showed up on his own accord.”

“Shut up! He crashed dinner with the parentals?”

“That he did.” I climb into my car, tossing my bag with all my pamphlets and promotional flyers onto the passenger seat.

“So explain to me how you ended up on the sidewalk with him swallowing your face?”

“Let’s just say, he’s really good at apologies.”

“Girl, you’ve got it so bad.” She laughs.

“I know,” I whine. “And wouldn’t you know, my mom and dad love him. They called me the next morning to tell me so.”

“I think it’s more about that they love how happy he makes you and less about him personally.”

“You might think that, but I’m telling you, Bon, they were eating out of the palm of his hand.” I start my car, pulling out of my parking spot. “Tell me something about you, anything to distract me from the mini drama series my life has become.”

“Mini drama series? Try fairytale.” She snorts. “But since you asked… Beck is still in town.”

“Wait, what?” I practically squeal, having completely forgotten about him visiting Bonnie, because yes, apparently I am that self-absorbed these days. “How long has he been there?”

“Three days.” The smile in her voice is apparent.

“I take it things are going well?”

“You could say that.”

“Spit it out, Bon. Tell me.”

“He’s here.”

“Like at your house.”