My mouth moves to redirect her to the bathroom for a proper shaving when I see the smallest tear lingering in the corner of her eye. Rather than push the fragile new doll, who – unlike her predecessors – isn’t fully aware of what she has signed her soul to, I stick to my original itinerary by firmly stating. “Sit.”

Zel carefully works her hair out of the way and, once more, surrenders to my word.

“Pull your hair so that it rests on your tits.”

The invitation to touch herself in a comforting way is quickly taken. She fiddles with the thick, jaw-dropping locks while I intensely watch.

Undo my belt.



My cock grows harder, demanding to be freed into its new playground, pushing me to command, “Retrieve the brush from the box.”

She leans her quivering figure forward for the black velvet object on the glass coffee table beside me and a few strands accidentally brush the tip of my dick just as I’ve dropped my boxer briefs. An animalistic growl is given alongside a gentle tugging. A startled squeak escapes, yet the sound barely registers over the groaning being conjured by the grinding I’ve already begun. Pre-cum coats itself along every tress in its route to rolling around her hardened nipple. My balls twitch in gratification over the two opposite yet equally cock-swelling sensations. The fingers sprawled in her hair, comb their way out, only to immediately dive back in, petting the gorgeous, frightened female. As if having forgotten she’s somewhere begrudgingly, she leans into the continued caring touches. Quietly moans each time my nails scrape her scalp. Pants when there’s a hint of pain from a pull paired to the tip of my dick stroking her peaked nub.

“That’s it, little doll,” I quietly coax, hips slowly rocking back and forth, “be a good girl and take it.”

She whimpers but doesn’t pull away.


Zel follows the movement of my fingers through their increasingly frantic combing. Typically, I prefer to brush and stroke myself at the same time and lose myself to a sexually therapeutic trance, but the softness from her silky strands and the suppleness from perky tits is too thrilling to tear myself away from.

I begin a slightly more frenzied pattern of pulling and grinding and grinding and pulling. Harsh, hot friction covers my cock causing me to grit my teeth. Pleased grunts push past the blockade proving that they are too strong to be contained. Wetness ruthlessly soaks its way through her hair and onto her tit painting me a sight so fucking sexy my balls swell in warning.

The tender strokes transpose themselves into harder tugs that result in Zel unexpectedly crying out, “Harder!”

“Fuck!” is barked at the same time I give her what she wants.

What she needs.

What she’s free to ask for while she’s mine to play with.

Merciless yanks are taken in tandem to faster thrusting. Fucking her hair, her tit, and the very edge of her filthy soul that’s waiting to be unleashed builds up so much sweat it soaks itself through my designer shirt. I steal glimpses of Zel’s honey-coated skin that’s glistening even more than my own in between studying the perfect way her hair curls around my cock.

How it tangles itself in my ownership.

Submits like it was born to.

One last hiss is all that’s presented prior to me pulling the locks in my possession into place to receive my cum. Scorching spurts splatter themselves across the dark canvas creating the type of contrast that would make me come if I wasn’t already in the process. My new toy’s entire body bows itself into the action on heavy, overworked breaths. Her airy surrender to my pleasure simply makes my balls kick harder to ensure every ounce possible is now painted on my houseguest.

When the hold I have on Zel is relinquished, she momentarily sags against the couch, eyes swarming with excitement.


I offer her the same greedy grin the session started with. “And now we wash you, little doll.”

She steals a single swipe of her swollen lips before looking up at me with her hooded eyes, “Yes, Sir.”