He finishes on a heavy groan I can barely hear above our clamoring heartbeats. The moment is open for something sexy or sassy; however, slight sadness is what seeps into the space between us. “You didn’t…”

I force myself to pause to completely catch my breath and berate myself for thoughtlessly complaining.

Oh, Zel, you’re not even a full month into a relationship that comes with an expiration date. You can’t seriously already be this attached!

Unfortunately, it’s impossible not to be.

Elias Whittington is a dream come true.

A twisted fairy tale prince that makes me wish happily-ever-afters were something to be found in real life instead of just cartoons and live-action remakes.

Rather than continue the started statement, I gingerly crawl off his lap, situate myself on the seat beside him, and attempt to find my non-love-sick puppy composure.

“I didn’t what, Zel?” Elias prods at the same time he straightens his own attire out.

“You didn’t…,” the words feel gross and girly but seeing the gleam in his eye has them being granted permission to be heard, “You didn’t play with my hair.”


The single word stops my ability to breathe in desperation to know what it really means.

“Your previous theory regarding my preference for dolls is correct. I do not like leaving things to chance or wasting time I believe to be valuable on someone I believe is not.”

His unexpected compliment causes a small blush to bloom.

“But as far as the hair goes, little doll,” Elias leans over and sweetly tucks a strand behind my ear, “there was no French tutor. No seducing. No long-haired porn star sparked a life-long desire.” The finger slowly cascades down towards my nipple. “I simply have a fondness for hair.” He rolls the digit around the hardening nub. “An affinity, if you will.”

My mouth slightly cracks open in hopes that he’ll add something about my hair in particular. Maybe even say that I’m special. Tell me how if he were given a choice between me and a slew of other women who all had hair so long that it skimmed the back of their calves, he’d still choose me and only me.

All of a sudden, a loud horn rings into the sky, prompting me to exchange my conversational suicide for something cheekier instead. “Your challenge starts now, Sir.” A smirk that’s equally hungry as well as impressed slips onto his expression at the same time I spread my legs a little wider. “You might wanna go ahead and get started…”