Chapter Forty-five
Kane had been utterly disgusted when he’d learned that the leader had once again skipped the appointment time they’d previously planned for him to show up. On pins and needles, he’d sent a message to Lance to stand back, and stand by. They’d prearranged a code system where he called Lance baby and the words he used said he’d be with her later and for her to be ready for him.
Knowing if anyone saw these words, they’d figure he talked to his latest squeeze, he didn’t try to hide the phone or the message his thumb rapidly typed. Carrying his beer to the back of the room where others were busy filling the baskets with the IEDs and loading fresh plants on top of them, he shook his head at how clumsy many of them were in handling the explosives.
The jokes going around the room about the blasts they’d make gave him a nasty sour taste, and he hated that he had to be in the same room with so much animosity. From what he could make out, the canisters were kind of basic, but he had no doubt of their ability to do the job… impacting everyone in the vicinity.
In the force, he’d seen the results of severe injuries including brain shock when waves of the energy blast blew. According to Gordie, most of these explosives were filled with ball bearings and no doubt the penetration would be horrendous and the injuries severe.
Not that any of the bombs would be left in the intended areas. Their joint task force intended to step in to arrest the men while they placed the baskets. Catching them in the act so there’d be no wiggle room to beat a conviction, their sting had been organized to take every possible detail into consideration.
And he and Lance would be seizing the Commander as soon as it was safe and put an end to this devious subversion. His own problem was knowing that Jennie had expected to see him or at the very least, hear from him, and he had to be on lockdown until the night was over.
Since waiting registered low on his comfort levels, he could feel his anxiety start to peak. Bastard was already a few hours late, and he knew the boys were planning to start moving out the tubs so they could set them around the perimeter of the street designated and set the detonators.
Nervous about the time, he sent another message to Lance asking if he’d seen any more vehicles arriving.
His lack of reply suddenly terrified him.