Page 49 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Thirty-one

Kurt and Neal put their heads together and began brainstorming Ruby’s case.

“You say she has no idea how she became pregnant. You didn’t show her how babies are made?” Neal spotted the steely-eyed look and quickly added, “Too soon?”

“You think? Look… the only time she remembers being asleep while having another person in the room is at the spa. And when she called them, they refused to give her any information about the female therapist on shift that day.”

“No problem, one of us can take a drive up there and show our badges to get that data easy enough. I’m not trying to pick at a scab but she’s sure she wasn’t with some guy who took advantage of her while she was drugged?”

“Ruby says no. I believe her. Being celibate for as long as she has… if anyone took physical advantage of her, she’d have felt the rape when she came to.”

“Bloody hell! It must have shocked the shit outta her to be told she was pregnant then.”

“Especially when they did the ultrasound, and she saw the fetus and heard the baby’s heartbeat.”

“Okay, other than her pregnancy, we know three things for certain. She’s single, beautiful, and has a good job.”

“And… lately, she’s been followed and had her house broken into.”

“Right.” Neal crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

“Let’s not forget that for some weird reason, Chinese people seem to be involved.” As if sitting would be impossible, Kurt stalked around the small office.

Perplexed, Neal questioned, “Chinese men?”

“I would have said yes but last night when Ruby was at the house, there was a Chinese woman parked in my driveway.”

“Could be a coincidence.”

“Don’t believe in them, not for this.”

“You got the woman’s name and address?”

“Yeah, she called herself Lin Jing, but I have no idea if that’s the truth. She said she was staying at the Market Center Holiday Inn yet when I checked on the way in to work this morning, they never heard of her. No young Chinese woman fitting her description was now or had lately stayed there.”

“She lied. Now why would she go to the trouble?”

“That’s what I want to know.”

“Maybe she was protecting herself from a possible nuisance. In case you haven’t noticed, you tend to make women lose their cool after they get a glance at that sexy body and those lazy, cat-green shockers.” Neal’s expression taunted.

“Fuck you.”

“Seriously, in no way would she be pushing false info on you unless she had something to hide. It wouldn’t make sense.”

“Kinda what I thought.”

“This just gets crazier and crazier. What’s our next step?”

“I want you to go through the databases and see if there have been any other cases reported that are similar. Women who find themselves suddenly pregnant. And I’d go one step further. See if any of them have had their babies stolen.”

Neal suddenly lunged forward. “Seriously? Who would do such a thing?”

Kurt held up his hand and rubbed his thumb and fingers together. “It’s about the almighty dollar, Neal. We both know that. And there’s money to be made for healthy babies.”

“Lord Almighty, this whole case worsens if we bring baby-snatching into the equation. But you’re right. In a strange way, that makes sense. I’m on it and will get back to you.”

Kurt stood to gather his weapon and side holster before he left the office. With his badge clearly visible on his belt, he’d appear in character at the spa and see what, if anything, he could learn from them. Ruby needed answers, and he intended to get them for her.