Page 36 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Twenty-two

Ruby followed Kurt back to where he’d left her stalker, thinking to approach him. Forced to stop when a police car pulled up and two officers took charge of the scene, frustration hit her hard.

Within a few minutes, Kurt had shown his identification, given a brief description of what had occurred, and they’d hustled the culprit away.

Once Kurt became free, she approached. “I wanted to talk with that man. Ask him why he’s showed up in my life so often lately.”

“Do you have any proof he actually stalked you? Any photos of him doing so?”

“Not really, but within the last few days, I noticed him more than once, especially that night at the bar. It freaked me out when he suddenly appeared again that time.”

“Is that why you kissed me?” Kurt’s eyes drilled into hers.

“Maybe. Yeah. Probably. In my mind, I figured he was interested and I decided to give him proof I had my sights elsewhere.”

“So, you used me.”

“Only because you were being so pissy about cutting in.”

“I was not. I thought you’d been served.”

“Right. Look, that whole day had been crazy with other shit I had to deal with,” …like finding out I was pregnantbut hadn’t had sex with any man in over a year.

“Which you won’t share.” When she didn’t answer, he added, “I have to follow up with this dude at the jail, ask some questions, and either charge the man or they’ll be forced to release him. Can you see that Mom gets home okay?”

“Of course.” She turned to look toward the restaurant. “Oh-oh, both moms are at the window and they’ll want answers. I guess I’d better see to them, or I’ll never hear the end of it with Jill.” She stopped and made eye contact on purpose. “See you later.”

“That sounds like a threat.” He teased, “Are you threatening me?”

“There’s more to this story than you know about. I want the lowdown on what that bastard has to say.”

She held his gaze until he became serious and nodded. “Right. Me too. Later.”