Page 31 of Special Agent Storm

“Well, interested parties have decided they’d rather keep her here in China until after her baby is born. Then she can do what she wants.”

Kurt spoke, his tone sarcastic. “Well, aren’t they the perfect poster grandparents for her baby? She’s going home with me.” His words were spoken slowly with emphasis on the words ‘home’ and ‘me’. Inflexible, he stood at ease yet with every sense on alert to any sudden moves on their part.

He knew Chang remained beside him, watchful and waiting to back up whatever moves were played.

Before he could say anything else, one of the men pulled a gun and stepped close to Kurt. “Hey, mister, we’re not asking.”

Trained to take away a gun from someone holding it too loosely, Kurt whipped his hand out, wrenched the other’s arm toward the ground, and in seconds came back upright holding the gun himself.

“You were saying?”

The other two reached into their inner pockets and stopped when Kurt spoke, steel in his voice and a threat entwined in his words. “I wouldn’t if I were you.” He pointed the gun at the head of the man he still controlled. In English, he spoke to his partner. “Chang go and relieve these rat-shit crazies of their weapons.”

Chang, grinning, quickly moved toward the other two and pulled the guns from both pockets. Then he searched for concealed weapons before returning to Kurt with a nod. Watching to be sure no one made any sudden moves; Chang stepped back and threw the weapons through his car window to land on the floor of the driver’s seat. Then he came to stand next to Kurt.

“Here, take this idiot.” Kurt passed over the fool and then the gun for Chang to hold. Leaning down, he pulled a knife from his ankle holder and started toward the blocking car.

One of the men, fearing for his life, stepped up and tried to swing at Kurt. One well-placed hard punch to the man’s forehead, and Kurt ignored him as he dropped face down on the ground.

In seconds, Kurt had sliced two of the tires and replaced his knife before returning to Chang. “Let him go. We’re outta here. I don’t want to miss our flight.”

Chang shoved the man so hard; he tripped and flew into the other still standing man, and they both went down.

Kurt and Chang returned to their car, put it into reverse, and raced down the road to reach the highway. Meanwhile, Kurt checked Amber to be sure she’d held up under the earlier confrontation. “Everything’s okay, sweetheart. You can sit up now. There’s a set of clothes in the bag beside you for you to change into.”


Amber’s face cleared. Fear of the three gangsters had frozen her in place earlier, and now free, she felt a huge tide of relief. Swiping away at the frightened tears, she whimpered. “They had guns. What did they want?”

“I believe they had some identity issues. Not to worry. We’ll get you home, and this time tomorrow, you’ll be with your family.”

Chang, face beaming, spoke low in Kurt’s direction. “That was like old times, man.”

Kurt grinned and reminded him, “You know you have three weapons in your vehicle that could get you into a bushel full of trouble.”

Chang stopped laughing. “Now that you mention it.”

“You want to get rid of them before we hit the airport. There’ll be all kinds of security there and they’ll demand explanations.”

“Good idea.” Chang pulled over to a dumpster near a gas station and in seconds, both he and Kurt had wrapped the three obstacles in Amber’s now abandoned orange outfit and dropped them in through the chute.