Page 29 of Special Agent Storm

It wasn’t until she arrived back at her apartment that she realized that Molly had said her son was an FBI agent. Son of a bitch! Would the Gods be that mean? Could she be Kurt Storm’s adopted mother? Ruby didn’t remember Molly mentioning her last name.


Suddenly, it dawned on her that the meeting with Molly had been too good to be true. And here she thought her luck had turned. Feeling sorry for herself, she answered the phone with a growl.

“Ruby here.”

“Hi, Ruby. It’s Chief Ulmer calling. I’m sorry to tell you we have no news currently. You were right about the prints in your house. We found none. And in case you were unaware, the camera over your garage wasn’t set up correctly, so there’s no video footage of that night either.”

“Figures. It’s been that kind of week.”

“I don’t know what else I can say. We’ll continue to dig into your story about the pregnancy, but you haven’t given me a lot to go on.”

Ruby grimaced but kept her voice from revealing her annoyance. “Thanks for getting back to me, Don. I’m not surprised at the result. But let me know if anything changes.”

Once she hung up, she turned to the window overlooking the kitchen sink, stared out into her yard, and muttered, “What next?”