Page 85 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Fifty-three

Thank God for the siren and lights on Kurt’s vehicle. Ruby had no doubt it was those very reasons she got to the hospital in time for them to get her to the delivery room before her little baby girl appeared.

Tiny as a doll, cute as a button, she nevertheless had the power to bring both her parents to tears when she made her appearance.

“She’s adorable, sugar. The prettiest little baby I’ve ever seen.” Kurt felt his heart leave his body and nestle inside the precious bundle he held in his arms.

“I know. I can’t believe how wonderful she is. And the angel didn’t put me through too much agony. Good thing it was a girl. They’re so thoughtful.” Joking, she grinned at Kurt, and he saw her eyes water yet again when she looked from him to the baby. “How can a woman be so lucky? I’m stunned. I really am.”

“Have you decided on one of the names we chose?”

Her eyes narrowed, and she stuck her finger in his face threateningly. “It will NOT be Beatrice. No more teasing.”

Kurt chuckled, careful not to upset his sleeping bundle. “Okay. We’ll wait and use it for our next girl.”

Not taking his bait, she ignored him and said, “I can’t make up my mind. I’m thinking it should be something with a lovely Chinese meaning, so I’ll think on it some more.”

“Good idea, Sugar. There’s no rush.”

When the door opened they both turned to the nurse who entered, her lower face covered with a mask and dark thick glasses not looking at all attractive. Her gray hair seemed frizzy and was held back with a hairnet, but her voice oozed sweetness.

“I’ve come to get the baby so we can do the Apgar test. It’s normal for all newborns.”

Remembering back to her classes, Ruby nodded for Kurt to pass over the child. “Thank you, nurse. Has my mother arrived yet? We called but she was sleeping and it probably took her some time to get ready.”

“As soon as I’m finished with our little princess here, I’ll check. Back in a sec.” She left the room, giving Ruby time to gesture for Kurt to come to assist her to the bathroom.

“I don’t want to look a mess for Mom and Molly. Can you bring me my makeup case?”

Kurt carried her into the room. “You okay there alone?”

“Of course. I’ll only be a moment.”

“I’ll leave the door ajar. Call when you’re ready to come out.” He closed the door slightly to give her privacy.

Once she’d looked after her private needs, she checked her appearance in the mirror, and shock registered. Good Lord. She looked like she’d just come out of a battle and lost. Once she’d washed her face with the hot facecloth and brushed her teeth, she began to feel somewhat normal again. Pulling the brush through her hair, she pushed her face close to the mirror and accepted that something had been eating away at her memory.

What was it?

Her delivery had been less horrific than she’d expected. Thinking back, she remembered there had been some complications afterward with her placenta that had kept everyone’s attention on her for a few minutes until her body had behaved.

She smiled softly when she recalled Kurt’s shock. Leaning over her, his shaking voice begged the doctor and nurses to help her. They’d been totally involved with her then and… Where had they taken the baby?

Suddenly she clutched the sink and screamed. “Son of a bitch!” She swung open the door and pointed at the shocked man. “Kurt. Oh, my God, follow that nurse. They don’t wait this long to perform the Apgar tests. It’s done within minutes after the delivery.”