Page 83 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Fifty-one

Ruby settled into her pregnancy with a happy nature a bit foreign to her normally skittish state. She felt centered and ready to admit she’d grown up over the last few months.

She loved her job and looked forward to each day, finally easing into working the desk rather than going out on too many of the more fearsome calls. Although, she refused to be completely left out of the loop.

She and Jill now had the best relationship she could remember, and Molly seemed to fit into their world perfectly. With a lot of help from both of the older women, she worked hard to ready a nursery, painting the walls and even had Kurt assemble the crib and changing table.

It felt wonderful to know she was prepared, even had a hospital bag packed with the special outfit Molly had knitted for bringing the baby home from the hospital. At first, she’d insisted on having a home birth with a midwife but gave up on the idea when one of her mother’s customers lost their baby during a home delivery.

Jill, now totally spooked, insisted she needed to go to the hospital. So, together they’d packed her bag to be ready for the big day. No one knew she’d zipped a Taser into the side pocket. Feeling silly over her morbid anxiety, nonetheless, she wasn’t intending on getting caught without protection for her and the little one.

The only gloom on the horizon was the case that kept Kurt so involved that he spent many nights and weekends on the job and away from her arms.

Finally, last week, he’d come home early, lifted her in a huge hug, and spun her around the room before lowering her carefully to the ground. Then he’d kissed her until the room faded… hell, the world faded… and they spent the next hour in the bedroom wrapped in each other’s arms.

Once they’d spoken the magic words, their lovemaking had taken on a new dimension. They were both fully committed to each other. Other than Kurt worrying about hurting the baby or her, and her promising that neither was a problem, they were intimate as often as possible. In fact, she couldn’t get enough of him and his gorgeous body.

That day, after they’d come up for air, she’d questioned his mood. “What? You’re glowing.”

“This afternoon, we shut down the company in China responsible for the baby-snatching. It’s been a lot of work, but with the proof a friend of mine was able to collect in Shanghai, as well as what we’ve managed to assemble here in the U.S., we had enough evidence to approach the Chinese police. They invaded all the sites and charged the perpetrators. I can honestly say, you’ll be safe now. We’ve gathered up all the stalkers who were in this country and returned them to be charged in China.”

Ruby was absolutely delighted. Overpowering relief filled her body, and her heart floated with the release of her continuous trepidation. “I’ve tried not to let fear sour my pregnancy, Kurt. I really have. Mostly because I suspected there would be no trouble until after the baby arrived. But it’s been a huge worry. I’m so glad it’s over.” She hugged him close, and they both breathed a sigh of relief.

Not that she wanted to admit just how paranoid she’d become, lately. She’d been suspicious over anyone following her and each Chinese person who approached, she felt herself stiffen until they passed.

Ruby had to ask, “Were you able to find any of the missing babies?”

“Yes. Most of them. They’ve set up a special counsel that will be dealing with that situation. In some cases, surprisingly, the women are willing to let the men adopt their offspring.”

“Don’t tell me. Money made a difference.”

He looked away. “Yeah. But I’m no one to sit in judgment.”

Ruby’s determination appeared in the abrupt harshness of her voice. “You know that’s not going to happen in my case.”

He whipped around to face her. “Of course not. I know you well enough to know how much you love that tiny rascal growing inside there.” He carefully rubbed her tummy and bent to kiss the protrusion. “Me too.” He added in a singsong tone. “And Nana Molly and Gramma Jill.”

Ruby laughed as he’d intended. “Talking about my case, what have they found out about little junior here?” Ruby caressed her naked tummy and smiled when Kurt’s hand brushed hers. He loved feeling the baby’s movements.

Kurt laid down and put his hands behind his head. “See… that’s the strangest thing. No one could find your case file among the others. It’s as if they destroyed it, and yet no one could or would say why.”

“What does that mean?” She stiffened.

“I don’t know. The man we’ve been collaborating with, he’s a member of the police department there, has promised to keep looking, but he’s assured me that we can relax. Nothing will happen to our child.”

“Our child?”

“It will be as soon as you can fit into the fancy wedding dress you want to wear as my bride, and the adoption goes through.”

She laughed and cuddled down beside him, feeling like she’d just won the lottery. “Thank God, it’s over. I haven’t wanted to worry anyone, but it’s been a nightmare for months. Now that I can let it go, I feel a hundred pounds lighter.”

When she heard the snort Kurt pretended to muffle, she rolled over on top of him and stuck her face next to his, noses touching. “Go ahead, chicken-little. Say something about my weight to my face.”

“Are you crazy? Molly-mom always warned me that a smartass won’t fit into a saddle, and I’ve been a good boy ever since.”

Now it was Ruby’s turn to snort.