Page 74 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Forty-six

Her first stop was to the restaurant to see her mother. She needed to apologize for being such a knucklehead these last years and especially over the past few days.

How Jill had lived with her, she had no idea? She’d sensed Jill’s hold on her temper was fraying, but she’d still put up with the nonsense Ruby had slapped down. The woman deserved a medal for her self-control. Thinking back, Ruby knew in her place, she’d have duct-taped her whiney mouth and shoved her in one of the garbage bins outside.

Coming through the back door of the restaurant, she hoped Jill hadn’t eaten lunch yet, and they could share the meal together.

Then she’d call Kurt and grovel. She grinned, knowing that would never happen. But at the very least, she’d apologize and hope he’d forgive her absence and uncaring pissy attitude.

Seeing her three favorite people all together in their booth made her heart leap with joy and a lucky feeling washed over her. They were such beautiful people. Her mother so tall and classy, her makeup flawless and her hair shiny.

Molly laughing at something Kurt said was incandescent with love for her boy. It shone all over her smiling face… her youthful skin creamy in the light from above, her eyes flashing happy.

Best of all was the man who sat above the others, so tall and well… handsome as sin. Why that description came to her, she had no idea, but he just was. A beautiful man both inside and out. A man any woman would be proud of as her mate.

Had Ruby messed it up with him? Had her retreat given him reason to depart, leave their relationship?

Hey, stop it, idiot! He’s here, ain’t he? In your playground, no doubt looking for you. Stop putting your-fucking-self first in every scenario and be thankful for your good fortune.

She smoothed her rioting mess of hair, bit her lips for color, and stepped forward where they could see her. Then she watched as the expressions of glee on both women’s faces appeared.

On Kurt’s face, she saw sudden anger. Not moving, she watched as yearning replaced it and then the pleasure that overrode everything.

He stood to make room next to him and she almost accepted his invitation. But that would be too easy. It was now or never. Instead, she went to Jill’s side and reached for her mother’s hands.

As if she sensed the seriousness of the moment, Jill stood, and Ruby looked up into her face. “I’m sorry for being such a jackass, Mom.”

“Hey, I get it. You were shocked that the department would be so hard on you.”

“No. They were right. I deserved the suspension. I’m sorry for always giving you such a hard time. You didn’t deserve a rotten daughter like me. I’ll be better, I promise.” With her lip trembling so hard no more words could get out, tears balancing on her swollen eyelids dropped onto her cheeks as she moved in for the waiting hug and let her mother’s arms heal her in the same way they’d done all her life.

A sudden thought surfaced, and it wouldn’t fade. Certainly, her dad had played a pivotal part in her early years, but it had been her mom who’d made her feel safe, her mom who’d always been there for her, and her mom who’d been the best model on how to be a good person.

Straining to hug her mother even harder, she loved the small giggle of delight Jill couldn’t control.

“You never cease to surprise me, sweetheart. It’s one of the reasons I love you so much. Come. You haven’t eaten well for days. Sit down and join us. We’re almost finished but we’ll stay with you while you eat. I’ll go and dish you up a plate myself.” Proudly… clearing her own cheeks from sudden tears, Jill moved toward the kitchen to follow through on her promise.

Molly reached up to take Ruby’s hand. “Child, you’ve made your mother a very happy woman.” The tears in her own eyes were an indication of how very moved she still felt after listening to Ruby’s words.

Kurt stood and closed in, taking Ruby in his arms in a gentle hug. “Hey, baby. It’s nice to have you back.”

“Lordy, you have no idea how much I needed these days. It’s only taken me twenty years to grow up. And now I’m ready to face the real world and not the made-up universe I’ve inhabited all this time.”

He grinned. “I’m just so fuc- ridiculously happy to see you. First eat, and then I’ll take you back to the office with me so you can meet up with my partner, Neal. Now, I truly believe you can handle the information you need to hear.”