Page 63 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Thirty-nine

Kurt couldn’t believe how one word could be filled with so much meaning. Every time she left him; it was with a promise he knew she meant to keep. And… he intended to collect if she forgot.

Letting her go had been so fucking hard, but he understood that his acceptance of her abilities and respect for her job meant the world to her.

Any woman working in a previously man’s world fought hard to be accepted as a peer. He had no right to take that away from her. Even if she was pregnant, tiny as a fairy compared to his build, and his soul’s inevitable mate.

It took hours to clear away all the paperwork and finish the debriefings before he could head home to a shower and his bed. He just wished a small body was snuggling close to him so he could sleep.

Lying in his room, an odd sound caught his attention. He rose as silently as a sigh. He made his way through the unlit, familiar space, checking the outside monitor on his phone as he walked and saw a shadow heading toward his front door.

He listened to the handle jiggling. Whoever was trying to come in, stepped back, hesitating. Before the person could make up their mind to either knock or leave, he flung open the door and hauled in the intruder.

The squirming mass pushed an elbow toward his stomach, and it was only because of his skill he was able to move away in time.

That’s when he made out the sound of Ruby’s cussing. Being careful not to manhandle her roughly, he wrapped his arms around her wriggling body, cuddled her to his naked chest, and put his face next to hers.

“You never fail to astonish me, baby. Never. You’re a delightful surprise. I almost caved and went to your place, but I told myself you needed your beauty sleep. Being the sweet-hearted fellow that I am, I stayed away.”

She stiffened. “You telling me I’m ugly?”

He chuckled. “Now why would you go and say something like that?”

Ruby pushed him away so she could look into his face. “You’re the one who said I needed beauty sleep, not me.”

“Ahh!” Kurt grinned and bent to put a kiss on her nose that she wiped off instantly. “You’re trying to get a compliment, aren’t you, pet?”

“What? I am not. And I’m nobody’s pet.” She turned to leave, her back stiff, and her face angry.

“Oh no, you don’t. You came to me as an answer to my prayers. You’re not leaving me now.”

“You prayed for me?” Her interest peaked, and her voice broke with the question.

Serious now, he moved in and swept her into his arms. As he headed to his bedroom, he whispered, “Yes, my angel. I couldn’t sleep and wanted you with me so badly I ached. And lookie here? You came.”

Seemingly satisfied with his answer, she cooed her reply. “I couldn’t settle down either. I tried to sleep and ended up pacing the place until I figured the hell with it.” As she talked, Kurt undressed her like she was his child. Pretending to ignore his actions, she said, “You know that you have a watch-pony?”

Kurt laughed. “Did Jupiter give you a hard time?”

“No, but he insisted I go over to say hello before he’d let me get close to the trailer. He’s adorable.”

“I know. He follows Molly around the place like a dog. Speaking of faithful dogs, you know they like to lick people.”

He followed his words with actions as he uncovered her breasts and began to lick the surrounding skin. His hands scooped up the creamy satin spheres adoringly, and his eyes closed with a blissful look appearing on his face.

While his mouth began making magic, her legs weakened, her breath hitched, and she clung with her arms around his neck. Because she could, her hands caressed the skin on his back and shoulders.

Placing kisses on his head, she began to smooth the softness, loving the smell of his freshly washed hair. Unable to stop herself, she moaned with pleasure. As if the sounds of her affection caught his attention, he backed away and lifted her to place her in the middle of his large bed. Then he stood back and pulled down his flannel bottoms to reveal his nakedness.

A man’s body held Ruby in awe… especially one fully aroused. She wriggled over to the side of the bed so she could grasp his thick hardness and it seemed natural to lay kisses on the quivering smoothness.

He looked down at her loving gesture, and his heart filled with reverence at the proof of her adoration. Vows to keep her safe forever assembled in his mind, and he understood then and there that she belonged with him… for better or for worse. Her and her baby.


Ruby had never kissed a man in such a familiar way before though she’d been asked to do so. Somehow, she’d never had the urge to give that special attention to another, and so she’d refused.

But tonight, with Kurt, it had become an overwhelming need she couldn’t resist. By her actions, she wanted to show him how much he’d come to mean to her. Nuzzling him against her face, she whispered her truth, “I’ve never done this before. Never wanted to.” Then she took him to her lips and kissed him until he moaned and pulled away so he could lay beside her and gather her to him.