Page 60 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Thirty-seven

Once Kurt had Ruby safe, his heartbeat returned to a semblance of normal. “Sweet Jesus, lady, you scared at least ten years off my life.” He hauled her in close and held on. “Are you okay? Can you walk?”

“Of course, I can.” She brushed his hands away and tried to stand without him interfering, but he wouldn’t have any of that nonsense. He held on and watched like a hawk to make sure she hadn’t exaggerated about her strength. Once she’d wiped the dirt from her clothes, she turned to leave.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m going back to work, same as you.” She took his face in her hands and made him look in her eyes. “I have a job to do and people who are relying on me to do it. Let me go.”

He hadn’t realized how hard he’d held on to her. His hands opened slowly, and she stepped back. Before he could put his foot down and insist she head for medical assistance, he heard Dexter in his mic calling for help.

Taking a minute to kiss her and urge her to be careful, he guided her to the alley that would be the safest route back to her people, and then he ran like hell to get to where the rest of the action was taking place.

Seems Alfonso Torres along with a few of his Trail gang members had converged on the police that were holding his men. They were there to rescue them and kill as many cops as they could. And… they weren’t being too picky if the person wore a uniform or not.

Kurt ran faster than he’d ever done before. He arrived at the scene in time to see Torres have two of his shit-for-brains lunatics detain his buddy, Dexter. While laughing at all the fun he was having, Torres brutally beat him.

Pinned down by gunfire, the three officers with him were being held at bay. None could break loose to help their leader. No one had seen Kurt arrive behind the action, and he knew it would only be a matter of seconds before one of the crazies looked up and spotted him.

Taking a breath, making sure he had his aim right, he began to fire, and within seconds, Dexter turned the tables on Torres and was now the one whose fists were flying. Kurt left him to his battle and moved in on the others where he was able to turn the tide.

Breaking cover, two of the shooters tried to make a run for it but were gunned down by police. The third broke loose and being closest, Kurt took chase. His opponent headed straight to where the firefighters were trying to contain a blaze in a retail store and an unexpected blast blew out the window, making glass fly in every direction.

Kurt saw the man he’d been chasing go down, and he was on him in an instant. Expecting the guy to fight for his freedom, it shook him when he understood there would be no battle.

Turning his body, Kurt saw the shards of glass sticking out from his neck, face, and eyes. Blood squirted everywhere and from the frozen expression of shock, the dude looked as if he never saw it coming.

Letting him drop gently, Kurt called for the medics, gave them the location, and headed back to where he came from. He had to see if Dexter and his team had managed to control the situation.

As he approached, he saw the officers who’d been pinned down earlier now herding their prisoners to the police cars while other uniforms oversaw the scene where many lay wounded or dead.

Dexter saw him approach. “Hey, man. You did it again. Came just in the nick of time.” Wounded from Torres’s fists, he held his hands on his knees and took a deep breath before slowly straightening.

“Yeah, I heard your message.”

Dexter laughed, “You mean when I said they’d started a shitstorm they’d be sorry for?”

Kurt joined in laughing and nodded, “Caught my attention.”

“It was meant to. Bastards were winning. But the tide turned, and we got Torres. With the balls of the gang now neutered, they’ll quiet down until another dude struts on the scene and stirs them up.” Dexter swiped at some of the blood dripping into his eyes. “What happened to the hostages? I heard they were being herded over on the other side.”

“They’re free, most are being taken to the hospital. It’s all quiet except for the fires.” Kurt put his hands on his hips, his head lowered, not willing to let Dexter see how much those words terrified him.

With his face bruised and hurting, Dexter still managed to look sad. “Yeah, what a fucking shame for the firefighters. I pity the poor bastards. They’ll be working their asses off for many more hours before they get that mess under control.”