Page 58 of Special Agent Storm

Kurt warned, “Hey guys, we’re getting some talking guns to cover our asses so we can block their exit. Let’s move it out as quick as we can.”

He listened as Quill’s men shouted that they had the hostages in view with Torres and his people waving AK’s as they herded them down the back alley.

A blast of gunfire erupted from that direction and the next voice screamed that two more were shot as the injured prisoners weren’t able to keep up. The twisted scumbags were murdering the wounded rather than just leaving them behind. Hard-hearted lowlifes had no pity in their black souls. Creatures like that were the devil’s spawn.

Kurt gave directions to his people. “Stay focused and keep your asses down. These sons of bitches get off on shooting anyone who gets in their way. Don’t give them a target.”

Once he had placed his people in the section he knew Torres was heading, he took a few seconds to see the inferno in the building close by and noticed a firefighter heading up the ladder with a hose to fight the flames. It seemed reasonable to think they were trying to contain the flares from reaching more buildings, and he prayed that with her injury, Ruby would be one of the firefighters down on the ground.

Coughing quietly, smoke filling his lungs, he took out a mask he’d grabbed and put it on. No need to play hero with this shit. Suddenly, he saw the group of runners heading toward where he had his people holed up. First came the hostages with the gunmen behind, herding them like cattle.

Fuckers had no sympathy for the woman who tripped and fell headfirst. The gun-toting bastard next to her aimed his weapon at her head and would have shot if Kurt’s bullet hadn’t hit him dead center. The rifle dropped from limp hands before his body hit the ground.

All hell broke loose then with the hostages heading for cover while Kurt’s men did their job. Within a few moments, silence reigned, and three of the six killers were on their knees, hands raised in surrender.

Kurt emerged to make sure there wouldn’t be any surprises, going from one body to the next. When he reached the first gunman killed, he saw the woman whose life he’d saved cowering, half covered by the fallen gang member.

“It’s okay, miss. You’re safe now.”

When she turned her face his way, his knees gave out and he sank down beside her. That’s when Ruby dove into his arms, sobbing her relief and clinging for all she was worth.

“Oh, my God. It’s you!” No sooner had he spoke, one of the killers they assumed was dead, lifted his body while holding a pistol aimed at Kurt. Seeing this action, Ruby flung herself forward and heaved him out of the way.

Before Kurt could do anything, another form flew out from the shadows of a dumpster, and with a flying kick, she struck the gangster in the side of the head. Grabbing the weapon, she threw it away and then disappeared back in the direction she came from.