Page 33 of Special Agent Storm

Chapter Twenty-one

Ruby sat with Jill, waiting for Molly to arrive. “Mom, we’ve already gone through this. You can’t give up the hours you spend here at work. The business needs a boss around to be sure everything runs smoothly. You know it’s a full-time endeavor to stay at the top of the culinary chain. Besides, you love your job, and I’d never expect you to stop working.”

“Hey, baby, we’re talking about my grandchild here. Of course, I want to be involved.”

“Yes, involved. But not the sole caregiver. And I’m not willing to give up my career either. Molly can be the answer to all this worry. If you like her as much as I do, she could be the angel we need.”

Before Jill could answer, two people approached. Ruby watched as Jill’s face lit up and a welcoming smile appeared.

Turning to see who brought that much delight to her mother’s usually contained expression, she saw Kurt guiding Molly toward their table.

Son of a bitch! She’d suspected there might be a fly in the otherwise perfect ointment. Yet hadn’t she worked hard to talk herself out of her earlier worries about Molly and Kurt being related? That scenario wouldn’t fit in with her plans at all.

Molly was a lovely black woman. And he was a white-skinned bastard who she’d hoped to never see again. All he ever did was remind her of that night when she’d realized her danger… both from being stalked and from lips that had seared into her very soul.

Jill stood and reached for Kurt’s hand. “How nice to see you again. And this must be Molly.” They shook hands as Jill gushed. “My daughter’s been singing your praises, Molly. Haven’t you, Ruby?”

Ignoring Kurt, Ruby approached Molly and saw her arms open. Without hesitation, she stepped into the welcoming hug and breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn’t imagined the warmth that Molly presented. “I’m glad to see you again, Molly.”

Molly spoke low so only Ruby could hear her explanation. “Kurt just got home from an assignment. I wanted to talk with him before you and I got together again, so I updated him on our way here. I hope it’s okay that I asked him to come along.”

Okay, that’s why she hadn’t heard from him in days. For some crazy reason, she’d expected him to show up, and when he hadn’t, she’d been strangely hurt. Which didn’t make any sense at all considering she’d all but shoved him out the door, waving Don in his face.

Not unexpected, Jill became the hostess. “Please, both of you, sit here with us. Ruby, you remember Kurt. He brought back your cell phone a while ago.”

Forced to acknowledge him and his earlier kindness, she nodded his way and muttered, “Hi.”

Waiting for Molly to slide into the booth next to Jill, Kurt stood aside. “I’m sure you’ll want to be by Mom.” He waved for Ruby to go next so he could slide in beside her.

Trapped, she narrowed her gaze and stared at his satisfied grin. This seating arrangement left no room for escape. Remembering their last lunch, she wondered if he’d planned it this way.

His tone was warm, friendly… cheeky. “How are you, Ruby?”

“Just hunky-dory.” Fake-smiling his way, she whispered, “You’re too close. Back up.”

He slid back slightly and put his hands on his knees under the table. “It’s been a while. How’s everything at the house?” He lowered his voice. “Any more unwelcome visitors?”

Hearing the two older women carrying on their own conversation, Ruby turned to Kurt. “Fine. No more visitors. Don organized installing a security system, so I’ll feel safer.” Ruby had purposely given the credit of her new setup to Don, when in reality, she’d just followed his suggestion and found the company herself.

“Yeah, I noticed the horns holding up his halo.” He teased her to see what her reaction would be.

She hissed her comeback. “Lay off. He’s a good man.”

“Must be. He’s the kind of husband who wears his wedding ring proudly.” He pointed to her hands as they lay on the table entwined tightly.

Jill leaned over from her side of the booth, passed the menus, and pointedly asked Kurt what his lunch preferences would be.

Knowing Jill, Ruby understood that she’d picked up on the tension between her and Kurt and wanted it stopped. To Jill, moods mattered. Her food should be enjoyed in civil surroundings, and Ruby understood that she’d be answering a lot of questions if she didn’t smarten up.

Accepting she was between a rock and a hard place, she turned to Molly. “Have you given any thought to my offer?”

Molly smiled. “I discussed it with Kurt on our way here, and though he’s always supported me making my own decisions, I wanted to bring him up to date first and get his opinion.”

Ruby nodded. She understood Molly’s reasoning. It would be the same with her and Jill. “And…?”

“I brought all my paperwork. You said you were getting an application form for me to fill in, but I figured if I gave you a list of my references and information, it might simplify everything.” She pulled a swathe of papers from her purse and handed them over.

“This is wonderful, Molly. I’ve been praying you would be open to working with us. Now I can breathe again.”