Chapter Thirty-two

Arriving at home, Sophia interrupted a game of cards between Stasia and Sam. The normality of their scene made her want to shower off Manos’s scent.

Stasia smiled her welcome and asked, “How was this barbecue? Did you see many of your family members?”

“Yes, quite a few were there. It was fun. Especially being with my cousin’s family. He has five young children, and they like a lot of attention. Ellie can’t keep a nanny longer than a week because they wear the poor women out as fast as she hires them. Since I see them so seldom, an hour of their energy is a treat.”

“They’re lucky to have cousin like you. I’m oldest of large family. I know what it’s like to deal with bunch of children. I miss them very much. I wished—” She stopped talking and waved her hand as if to shut off her thoughts. “Never mind. If it’s okay, I think I lay down for a while. Too much sun.”

“Of course, it’s okay. You don’t need permission.”

After watching the hunch-backed teenager let the swinging door close behind her, Sophia joined Sam at the table and questioned him with a look he understood. “She misses her family and feels bad about her promise to help her father financially. She’s also worried about the others at the Rhodes house and whether we’ll be able to get her passport back for her.”

He reached to the counter nearby for a mug and offered her a cup of coffee he’d just brewed. “How did it go? Wasarseholethere?”

“Yes. And that’s the perfect title for him. I kind of expected not to like the man, knowing what I do about him, but he’s an even bigger creep than I envisioned. Although he did invite me to have dinner with him at his place, and in two days, which is what I was aiming for. While I’m there, I intend to offer to takethe little ones off his hands for the day. I’ll beg to take them to a fair and magic show they’re going to be advertising in Marmaris.”

“That’s in Turkey.”

“Yes. They have day excursions to the city advertised by many boats on the pier. I’m going to talk him into letting me take the twins to the circus the day after our dinner.”

“Is there a circus?”

“No. But I can organize a poster to be made that’ll make him think it’s legit.”

“I can take care of that. I have a guy who can do anything with a computer.” A smile began to form on Sam’s face. “Manos will have to give over their passports for you to be able to take them into another country, right?”

“Exactly. I’ll book flights from there as soon as we arrive and have them back in their mama’s arms before he even realizes we aren’t returning. My only problem is making sure his other son, Alexandro, doesn’t want to join us. I’ll need to make the poster look babyish with clowns and pony rides, etc. That way, he might refuse and papa will listen because anyone can see he dotes on the boy much more so than he does on the twins.”

“According to Maureen, he’s always made out as if he adores them, but she’s seen instances where the kids are afraid of his temper and often turn to her rather than him.”

“I saw that today. They looked unhappy, and he said they missed their bi… ahh, mother.”

His look hardened when she bit off thewordthey both knew Manos had used instead. Samactually growledhis comeback. “Not nearly as much as—”

Suddenly, Barney’s special ringtone sounded, and his face appeared on her phone’s screen. Sam stopped what he was saying, waiting for her to answer.

Intending on standing and taking the phone out of the room, she stumbled on the table leg and had to sit back down. “I can explain, Barney. Don’t freak out.”

“You didn’t take the shot. Everyone knew you’d have won.Chrissakes, after your little snit shot, he knew it too, but couldn’t believe it. What the hell,Soph?”

“Calm down,cuz. I couldn’t beat him andstill keephis interest. He’s not the kind of man who would take losing easily and still want to be with the woman who made him look bad. And though I can’t discuss a case with you, he’s part of why I’m really here.”

Silence rang in the room while Barney digested her words. Then in a much calmer tone, he backed off and apologized. “Damn,Soph, I’m sorry. I should have known you’d have your reasons. Look, I know you can’t talk about an ongoing case, but can you promise to tell me more about it once it’s settled? I really want to know he’s gotten what he deserves. Even Ellie was disgusted at how he’s changed, and she’s sorry we have to put up with his company tomorrow at dinner.” A mean-sounding snarl followed. “Don’t know how my fist won’t be finding its way into his smug face.”

Laughing, Sophia answered, “Now you know how I felt all day. You promise to behave, and I’ll catch you up on everything after the fact. See you tomorrow.”

Having forgotten that Sam heard every word because of Barney’s loud voice, she jumped when he added, “I like your Barney, and I’ve never met him.”

Grudgingly, she admitted, “He’d like you too.”

Leaning toward herbefore she could escape,imprisoning her face between his large, gentle hands, he kissed her swiftly and brazenly added, “As much as you like me?”

She stared at him, keeping her face from showing any expression. Then she said, “Who says I like you?”

“You’ll like me more when I tell you the gang arrived today, and they’re at anAirbnbnear Old Town. We’re meeting tonight to organize the take-down of the house.”

“What? You found it? How?”

“I told you, I have a guy who’s a whiz on the computer. He’s done a Google search of the properties within the distance that Stasia said they drove to the hotel the night you met – exactly ten minutes. Then he used her description of the fields around the house until he found a few examples, sent them to me, and Stasia was able to pick out the two she thought might be the ones. We set up surveillance at both and sure enough, she’d nailed it. One of the houses has a whole bunch of young people living there. And, we know exactly where it’s situated.”

Glowing from his news, Sophia jumped to her feet, her energy suddenly activated. “What are we waiting for. Let me change, and I’m your girl.”

Sam’s voice followed her to the door, and before she left the room, she heard him say, “that’s right, sweetheart, you are mine. Glad you’re getting used to the idea.”

She almost stopped to set him right, but couldn’t because of the silly grin on her face and the warm glow suddenly activated in her heart.