Chapter Thirty-one

The first round he won easily as she intended. He might be a good shooter, but she knew instantly, she was better.

He stepped further back, as if he meant to give her more odds, and she followed.

“No, you stay closer, dear Sophia. It’ll give you more of a chance.”

Gritting her teeth, losing her cool, she instantly raised the rifle and barely taking aim, she shot the target, getting a bullseye. Then she turned back to stare him down, her ire awakened.

His eyes met hers, a shocked expression suddenly appearing. Now he understood that she could shoot… she really was competition.

Seeing as how he’d already made the move backwards and couldn’t renege on his gloating action, he lifted the rifle very seriously and took his time, but he didn’t come close to her fantastic shot.

Pretending to be overly confident, she backed up to stand next to him and lifted the rifle. She saw Barney’s smile and knew she had to do something to end things before she regretted what her heart urged her to do, but her brain argued she couldn’t.

Slowly, lowering the rifle, she turned to Manos and grinned cheekily. “You know, I’m not going to take this next shot. We’ll never know who’s better, and it doesn’t matter really. I want to have dinner with you, so let’s just call it a tie.”

Close enough to see the relief before he hid it, his big-mouthed smile broke out, and he passed his gun over to Eric. “You’re right, my love.” Acting the gentleman, he added, “I’d never have made you lose in front of all these people. It wouldn’t be right.”

Once the crowd dispersed, grumbling about the outcome, she craved to get out of there and began earnestly saying her goodbyes. First, she dealt with Barney, whose look said he’d get an explanation, and if he had to, he’d wait. Corinne and the others were next, and hugs plus promises to see them next time she visited were shared with them all.

She turned to a hovering Manos, hoping he couldn’t read the searing dislike she covered up with fake interest. He walked her to her car and opened her door, saying, “I wish we’d had more time together.”

“I’m sorry, but I must leave. I, too, have friends here on the island and promised to have them for dinner.”

“I feel like we’ve only just met. I have so many questions for you. Barney said you work for the government in Washington, and that you’re single but dedicated to your job.”

“So, you asked about me. I’m flattered.” Thanking God for Barney’s reticence of keeping information to a need-to-know-basis, she added, “I’m a bit of a workaholic. We can learn more about each other tomorrow at Ellie’s place.” Looking away from him, she pointed behind him. “Your little ones are looking very tired and probably need to rest, and I really must leave now.” Before I puke all over yourshowy white silk shirt.

He made a disparaging wave at the kids.“Those two are alwaysdragging themselves around. They miss their bitch of a mother. But you’re right. It’s time also for me to leave. Until tomorrow.” Before she could snatch back her hand, he put it to his mouth to leave a kiss there and didn’t know how bloody lucky he was that she didn’t follow through on thepunch she visualized.

Slimy bastard!