The fact that the guy hadn’t succeeded helped her make that choice. She headed for her car and called in what happened, gave them his identification, the location and asked for the uniforms to be on the lookout for the sicko because his desperation would drive him into trying again soon.

Brushing herself down, she resumed her trip and ended at the governor’s house just in time for her appointment. She steeled herself to behave, be nice, no matter what awaited her. After all, this woman’s children had been taken from her, and in Sophia’s estimation, that gave the poor lady a lot of leeway.

Within minutes of their introduction, Sophia’s heart went out to the governor. Observing her swollen eyes and agitated movements, nonetheless, she found that the elegant woman greeted her with dignity. She maintained a calm air and gave Sophia the respect due in her position with the FBI.

Sophia’s keen sweep of the room approved of the minimal, tasteful furnishings. The pearl-gray printed wallpaper gave off a soothing effect to whatever stressful situations that might appear for an important government official.

“I’m so sorry about your children being taken, Governor. I know you must be grieving. No doubt, they’re missing you terribly. Have you had any contact?”

“Please, call me Maureen. In this situation, I understand we’ll be on intimate terms so we can stay in touch.”

“Do you have a nickname that your husband doesn’t know about, one I can use when I message or call you from Rhodes?”

“My brother calls me sissy. He’s the only one who ever used that term. Will that work?”

“Sure, Sissy it is. Has Manos ever heard him refer to you that way?”

“No. He only uses it when we’re alone, and he wants to tease.”

“Then from now on, I will think of you as Sissy and only refer to you in that way. Now, when did you last talk with Jack or Casey?”

“I spoke with them when they were in the boarding area to catch the plane. I drove them to the airport but had to say goodbye once they passed through to customs. My husband’s mother was dying, and she requested to see her grandchildren before she passed.”

“Which you later found out was a lie.”

“Yes. But I believed him when he told me. How was I to refuse? I couldn’t go with them at the time. Government responsibilities stopped me.”

“Which he knew would happen. He’d planned it perfectly.”

“Yes, so I know now. I was to follow a few days later.”

“That’s when they barred you from the airport and made you return home? I’m not being intrusive, but I need to ask. Were you and your husband quarreling? Or had any problems that would drive him to such an action?”

“It’s okay, Sophia. I understand it’s necessary for you to know what might have led up to him behaving this way. We’ve been quarreling for some time. Other than our link with the children, he’s been difficult – especially lately. He says he’s under a lot of stress, and it showed up in his attitude about everything. And… it’s been building to where he’s been impossible.”

“Has this been going on for long?”

“Yes. We lost our way right after the twins were born. Since then, we’ve basically been acting our roles. My children are my life, Agent Dunne. I can’t visualize a future without them in it. It’s unbearable.”

“Please, call me Sophia. I’m not a mother myself, Governor. Therefore, I can’t put myself in your shoes. But I have a strong imagination. Right now, it’s telling me that there’s no pain worse than how a mother feels to have her children ripped out of her arms. Please know I’ll do everything in my power to get Jack and Casey back home where they belong. I’ve studied the case thoroughly, memorized photos, addresses, and will arrive in Rhodes two days from now.”

“You’ll keep in touch?”

“As much as possible. I have some relatives I’ll have to greet on my arrival… which will remove any suspicions that I might be there on business. Thankfully, my Yaya had a huge group of friends on the island, many in higher circles, and I’m thinking to use those connections to get me close to your husband and his family.”

“That’s perfect. You’ve already made me feel hope that will sustain me while you search. Just don’t get into any danger. Be careful, Sophia. You are my only hope.”

“You say that like you expect there to be a risk.”

“My husband can be a very cruel person, and if he’s at all threatened, there’s no telling what he might do. Especially now that he’s feeling safer in his own country.”

“Then I’ll be extra cautious. Thank you for the warning.”

Sophia got up to leave and was engulfed in warm arms that trembled as they hugged. “Thank you, Sophia. I feel your sympathy, and I know you care. I-I wish I could go with you, but if you need anything, you let… ahh, you let me know.”