Chapter Forty-six

Sam waited for her call. Doing so didn’t sit well with him. In fact, it drove him crazy. He kept checking that his phone was turned on, or if there was enough battery and the sound was on high. His anxiety levels were off the charts. Crazy broad! How did she imagine he was going to behave when she’d told him to look for her around ten and it was now midnight? He thought of every reason for her being late. He’d even sunk as low as hoping she had a flat tire, yet knowing she’d have called him if that was the reason for her delay.

Barney had visited for a short while and left saying, “You’re making me crazy. I feel as nervous as I was when Ellie gave birth to Peter. I hate it when my stomach churns, and I feel like I’m about to puke any minute. For Chrissakes man, calm down. Sophia’s fine. She’s an agent with the FBI and can handle herself.”

“Then why hasn’t she called?”

“Could be she’s having so much fun with the kids, she’s forgotten the time. Nah! That’s dumb. They’d be in bed.” Barney’s grin slipped. “I’m no help, am I?”

Sam glared. “Not particularly, no.”

“Okay, I’ll leave you. Time to hit the sack. It’s been a long day, and I have no doubt it’s going to be an exciting one tomorrow. I suggest you grab some shuteye too.”

Sam waved Barney off and wondered how the stupid bastard thought he would be getting any goddamnshuteyewhen everything inside him screamed something was wrong.

Bounding to his feet, he reached for his car keys, checked to see if his weapon was safe in the leg holster, and headed for the car.

That’s it! I don’t give a flying fuck if she’s mad at me or not, I’m going there.


Ellie let the curtains slide and turned to Barney. “Okay, you can come to bed now. He’s gone after her.”