Chapter Forty-five

Sophia breathed a sigh of relief when she returned to the hotel and found that Stasia and Sam weren’t there. Obviously, something had come up. She needed to find out what had happened without sharing herearliertroubles.Samhad enough on his plateright now. Besides, shestilldidn’t want him calling offherdatewith Manos.

Making up her mind, unable to handle not knowingwhy he’d taken Stasia to town, she called him to find he was on his way back and Stasia was with him. Now she had herreason for not sayinganything about the break-in. No way she wantedStasia feeling guilty about her Yaya’s house being vandalized.

“Hi, sweetie. I tried calling you a few times earlier, but you didn’t answer.”His voice sounded wonderful after the strain of her day.The endearment made her grin too. No one had ever called her sweetie.She sensedhe triednot to accuse her of ignoring his calls, especially while he had the kid sitting there listeningto what they said. Good. That worked in her favor.

“I’m sorry, Sam. I was cleaning outYaya’s house, packing things, running in and out, and I left my phone in the kitchen. I saw there weremessagesjust as I arrived here at the hotel, so I’m returning your calls. What’s up?”

“A few things we need to discuss. Will you still be there when we arrive? We’re about twenty minutes out.”

“No. Sorry. It’s going to take me longer to drive to Manos’s place,so I figured to leave soon. Is there something I need to know?” She heard the frustration he didn’t try to hide. Something happened.

“We found out that they movedthe captivesout of the house. David’s been watching andfiguredthey’ve been slowly relocating to another place.Then lastnight, no one returned.I guess they’ve beenshiftinga few at a time, but now they havethem allat the newlocation.”

“Gentle Jesus, we can’tcatch a break.”Disgust showedplainlyin the wordsand her tone.

“Something’s happened?”

The man had radar for Chrissakes. “No, I’m fine. I just feel bad for you and theothers.What’s going to happen now?”

“Everything’sin order. Stasia helped us find the new place,and we’re able to make the changes.It’llallgo through as planned. As long as you’re sure that your end is still a go.”

“As far as I’m concerned it is. I talked to Manos earlier and he mentioned me taking the kids to Marmaris tomorrow, so I figure we’re good there too. All you need to do once we’re clear and the plane is in the air is coordinate the arrests to happen all at once. Thank goodness the boat arrives early enough for me to take the morning flight. And… you need to make it happen when everyone is at the house so no one can warn the others.”

“I know. It’s all arranged. Now you just have to survive this evening. I still don’t like you going there alone.”

“Yeah. I kinda feel the same way. But it’s worth spending time with the menace as long as we get what we need. See you soon.” Before she hung up his last words came through and made her feel slightly sick – like a premonition, she should pay attention to.

“Be safe, Sophia.”

Lord love a duck, she hated when her insides reacted with such a surge of queasy anticipation.


Dressed in a colorful, flowing flowered top and tight white pants, her high-heeled sandals decorated with a mixture of silver and pearl beads, she arrived at his home and watched as the gates opened to her vehicle as if he’d been waiting for her arrival.

When she saw him coming forward to greet her, the worry subsided somewhat, and she almost felt silly for letting her imagination run amuck. Goodness, she needed to get her cool back before he sensed her reluctance.

Before she left the car where she’d driven it close to the sprawling house, she checked all around to get the lay of the land. The white house had been recently painted and looked fresh, as did the blue shutters on every window and the wrap-around veranda. It was a sprawling older home, but that added to the attraction.

The out-buildings were in the middle of renovations other than one exception. The place closest to the house looked brand new, and she wondered if it was the famous stable he’d bragged about the other evening. There were three ponies in a fenced-in paddock attached to the log building. Two were small and those cuties were gamboling together, whereas the larger one was over in the corner with his back turned.

Reaching for her small handbag with her weapon nestled inside, she slipped it over her shoulder and exited the car quickly so there wouldn’t be any excuse for him to touch her when he finally got closer.

“Hello, Sophia. You’re right on time.” He approached and leaned in to kiss her cheek, which she allowed. But to stop him from moving in too close, she put out her hands so he had no option but the take them and stand back.

“Hi, Manos. What a beautiful home! No wonder you were bragging about it the other day. It’s gorgeous. And I thought Corinne had a lovely view. This makes hers look like a backdrop to a forties movie.” She turned in the direction where thecliff overlooked a vista of mountains, green trees, and the ocean beyond. To the right, the city could be seen in the distance with the ocean blue waters behind, melding into the sky. No doubt, the sight after dark would be breathtaking.

“I’m happy to show you my little paradise. Come with me. The stables are my pride and joy. They just delivered a new arrival today; one I’ve been waiting for. This thoroughbred is an incredible runner and is here to perform his… ahh, male duties with my little mare. She’s fast and sturdy and will be a good match for him.”

The visual image from his words wasdisturbing. “I thought that was all done by injections nowadays.”

“Yes, of course that happens. But the Jockey Club requires Stallions to ‘live cover’ a mare for its foal to become a registered thoroughbred racehorse.I bought him in England and had him shipped here. Don’t worry, Sophia, we’ll help mother nature take its course.”

A sickening thought took hold, and Sophia couldn’t shake it loose. No doubt, this whack-a-doodle liked watching small mares being overpowered bya hot-blooded, attacking, fully-engorged thoroughbred.

Manos continued his story, not noticing her reaction, “Rambo arrived today and is having difficulty settling in. Would you mind if we checked on him?”