“Uh huh…”

“Plus, you own property there which gives you a reason for your trip.”

“See, I knew you’d have an ulterior motive for the smooth-talking BS. Even I can recognize, it’s a no-brainer for me to be the chosen one.”

“Hell, yeah. Look, Sophia you’re a top agent and the best shooter I’ve ever seen. You’ve won this department a lot of trophies and good publicity. I know I’ve had to lend you out from time to time when other states called for your expertise, but this time, it’s our own Governor who’s in trouble. And I want one of my best agents on the job.”

Sophia’s heart ramped up and excitement took over. It had been over a year since she’d returned to her favorite place on earth. After her grandmother’s death, she’d arranged for the small villa she’d inherited to be rented to a family friend who recently decided to move to Athens so she’d be closer to her daughter and grandchildren.

Since then her house has been empty, and she’d played with the idea of returning on her next holiday anyway. Without her beautiful Yaya there to greet her in her loving way, it would be sad, but she owed it to her mother and grandmother to take care of the place they all loved so much.

“Okay. When do I go?”

“First, you have an appointment with Governor Reagan so she can fill you in on the details. Then you can gather what you need. Let’s say in three days if you can get everything ready by then.”

“Hell, Bunny, you know me. I was born ready.”

“Good. And you call me Bunny one more time, kiddo, and I’ll phone your dad and tell him what you’re up to.”

“Nah! You won’t.”

“No, I won’t, but not because you deserve my pity. But because he’d be on the next plane following.”