Chapter Twenty-three

Sam and Stasia played a game of cards while they waited for Sophia to return.

“Where did you learn to play Rummy, Stasia?”

“It’s what we do at our place. You know, pass time when not study English.”

“I see. How many are there living with you?”

“It changes. They always move us from one place to another.”


“Maybe fifteen, maybe twenty. Sometimes there are less. I think lucky ones are bonded to families who make orders for… helpers.”


“Yes, like nanny for children, or nurse for old person. They take… ahh, not so pretty girls for these places. Even boys can be bonded. Of course, they keep some to work in rooms. Sam, for first time in my life I wish to be born with pimples and ugly eyes.”

Sam stared at her and added a droll tone to his voice on purpose. He dragged out the one word teasingly, “Real-ly?”

Looking guilty but steadfast, she growled, “Yes. Yes. Before I come to these men, I like being my father’s pretty girl. Now, I’m sorry to look in mirror. I’d rather be ugly as dog – like what they called Alicia. Ugly as dog doesn’t seem so bad when I hear she is safe in a home with children to care for.”

“And earning a pittance for all the hard work they no doubt are forcing her to do. She’ll be tied to those people for years as she pays off her debt, and Stasia, there’ll be no extra money for her to send home, not unless she goes without the bare necessities herself. Oh, some lucky ones will end up with families who will treat them kindly, but the majority are in for many years of forced labor and confinement.”

“Still… Sam, I would wish to be one of those. What they make me do is like… like animals.” As she talked, her hand reached for the black mole on her left cheek, a place her hand often searched when she was agitated. “Now that I’m free, I will never let another person touch my person again.”

From the look of conviction on her young face and the glare of loathing in her eyes, Sam had no doubt of her sincerity. “Honey, one day someone will come along and teach you how real love feels. Then you’ll be able to let go of this nightmare.”

“I don’t deserve a good person to love me. I am unclean.” She said it with such conviction, Sam thought carefully about his response before arguing.

“Okay, granted Stasia, you’re not perfect. None of us are. But what’s important is you care. About yourself, and your family and all that love you have inside will eventually find a mate to whom your heart matters more than your past.” Sam reached up slowly so as not to startle her, and he gently rubbed the black spot where her own hand had nervously traveled. He smiled at her and added, “trust me, one day you will be able to put this terrible experience behind you and move on.”

“Sam, I just want to go home. To my papa and my brothers and sisters.”

“I know, honey. And you will. Soon. I promise.” Sam heard the bike drive into the garden, and he went to the window to make sure it was Sophia.

When she stepped into the room, she must have sensed the emotions emanating from the youngster. Ignoring him, she hurried to the young girl who sat with her arms wrapped tightly over her head while her face remained hidden against her raised knees. “Don’t worry, Stasia. Just as soon as we can get everyone working together, cleaning up the corruption that seems to be happening on the island, you will be free. I’ve spoken to my friend Yanis, who years earlier was a professor at the University, and he knows the politics on Rodos. He’s lived here for many years and is closely involved with the powerful people. He’s going to help us.”

Sam listened to Sophia’s reassuring words, but he also examined her expression and knew in an instant that something was terribly wrong.