Chapter Nineteen

Sam mounted his bike and left Sophia’s home. Unable to uncharge his over-flowing batteries, he headed to where he could find release. After listening to Stasia describe her situation, his need to kick ass had ramped up, and from history, he knew he’d never get to sleep.

He drove around the city and headed to one of the beach areas, wondering if it was the same one where Sophia had met up with Stasia. Sure, there’s the hotel she mentioned. He slowed and drove by while checking out the area where he figured the girls had found each other.

He didn’t pay attention to the vehicle behind him pulling up closer until he noticed that the left brake light didn’t work. Good. He pulled over and figured they’d do so too. Then he leaned on the bike seat and waited to see what the two dudes had planned.

Both men were large and wore the typical island styles but all in black. They sported bald heads and mean features and could have been twins, they looked so much alike. Oh, not in their features as much as in their manners, but both were about the same large size and one had an eye affliction if the red bloodshot appearance was anything to go by.

They didn’t disappoint. He knew the chances were they’d have made a note of the license number on the bike and guessed they had some questions they intended asking.

God help them, he had a few answers he was dying to give them too. He wasn’t kept waiting for long.

“That your bike?”

“It’s a rental.”

“You the only driver?”

“None of your business.”

There was a hesitating glance between the twins before the red-eyed fellow finally spoke, “You need to come with us.”


“We want to talk with you.”

Realizing he couldn’t take the chance that Manos might be one of the talkers, he chuckled and answered, sarcastic as hell, “I have no intention of going anywhere with you.”

If he wasn’t having so much fun poking the tiger, he’d have noticed the third man approaching from behind. As it was, he swung around just in time for his cheek to connect with the fist coming his way.

Lights went off in his brain, and eighty-six million sneaky neurons woke up from their peaceful existence. They warned him in no uncertain terms, he didn’t like pain.

Nor did he let it slow him down. At the same time as he grabbed at the punishing fist still there, he kicked the closest dude in his jewels and the resulting scream gave him a wonderfully satisfying feeling. Then he swung the sneak-attacker over his shoulder to land on the second twin. Watching them wrestling to get to their feet and come at him again, he waited until they had untangled and kicked the second twin in the head knowing he wouldn’t revive soon. Then he went in for the face-puncher.

Bastard had caught him out and needed a lesson. They grappled, and he took another hit to his stomach but had the satisfaction of grabbing the guy’s head and forcing it to meet his upcoming knee. The resultant crunch of nose cartilage made his day. Now he could go back to his room and catch up on his sleep.

He got on his bike and headed to the dealership near his hotel and left the bike in their parking lot. Best to dump this baby now.

He’d clear out of his room first thing in the morning and find another. Best not tease the dragon any further now that he’d woken it up.