Chapter Ten

How the hell did he know her name? Sophia recognized the flirter for what he was, and she didn’t like having to deal with him, especially now. But in her mind, she only had a few choices.

Push the situation where Lynia would show up and take over, dealing with the handsome customer in her own magical way – making another table instantly appear where she would place him.

Or… as he suggested, she could join him and get the answer to the mystery of how he knew her name. She’d really wanted more time alone to be in her favorite place, but he’d spoiled that now anyway.

Maddened by the impudence of the man, she tried to stare him down without speaking and watched as his grin widened. He lowered his sunglasses slightly, winked at her and added, “I really don’t bite. Sit.” Then he leaned over to pull her chair back even further. It was the last word spoken softly that convinced her.


She sat.

Miraculously, as if she’d waited just for this moment, Lynia came to the table with a full tray of grapes, olives with dip, and chocolate-covered strawberries. She removed Sophia’s used dishes and placed another glass of ouzo in front of both people now seated.

“Sophia, another of your favorites. And you, sir, please accept our welcome to Rhodes drink. Can I bring you a menu? Anything?”

The man smiled graciously and thanked Lynia, saying he’d stopped for a happy-hour drink and would appreciate a beer in one of those smaller boots he’d seen others being served in. He asked Sophia if she’d like a cocktail or any other drink. Before she could refuse, Lynia patted her hand and said, “No problem. I know exactly what drink she likes the most. One sex-on-the-beach coming up. We make it especially for her here.”

Knowing she should have told Lynia she didn’t want anything else, that she’d be having to sip her third ouzo carefully if she wanted to get home safely, she said nothing. Her friend worked hard to make a living until the tourist season started in the summer months and the cruise ships docked daily, so every penny earned now kept them afloat.

As soon as they were alone, Sophia asked the question she’d held on the tip of her tongue. “How do you know my name?”

He pointed at the nearby shop. “I was looking at those shirts hanging there behind those tables, and I heard a woman exclaim when she saw you… Sophia Dunne. She seemed delighted you were here and had no doubt been waiting for a moment to catch your eye and attack.”

Sophia turned in the direction he gestured and sure enough, there sat one of her childhood friends along with three other people she knew. As soon as she’d turned their way, the attractive blonde acknowledged her and stood to approach.

“Sophia! Hello. I’m so glad you’re here. Barney said he expected you any day.” They hugged affectionately, and Sophia saw the interest her girlfriend had in her companion. Wishing she could ignore the blatant unspoken suggestion that they be presented, she turned instead to make an introduction. “This is one of my childhood friends, Corinne Floros.” Suddenly, she realized her pickle. She had no idea what this man’s name was. Understanding her dilemma, her relaxed, smiling companion didn’t miss a beat.

“So nice to meet you. I’m a new friend of Sophia’s, just arrived in Rhodes, Sam Mattas. Would you like to join us? If you prefer privacy, I can make myself scarce.” He feared Sophia would take him up on the idea. He knew the circumstances of her trip and about her grandmother’s passing and didn’t have the meanness in him to refuse her this time with a friend.

Before Sophia could agree, Carine’s laugh rang out, and she graciously answered, “Of course you’re not to leave. Now that she’s home, Sophia and I will have plenty of time to catch up soon.”

Lynia arrived just then with their drinks, and Sam not only paid the bill but asked Corinne if she would like anything.

“No, I can’t stay. But thank you. You’re very kind.” She reached over and took Sophia’s hand. “Did Barney tell you we’re having a big birthday barbecue at the olive farm for Auntie on Saturday? You must come. She’ll be distressed if you’re not there, especially now she knows you’re in Rhodes. She misses your Yaya so much she’ll like having someone she can talk with about her friend.”

Sophia had no idea there was a gathering. Sipping her favorite drink, she shook her head, and it made her slightly woozy. “Barney must have forgotten to tell me. But, of course, I’ll be there.”

“Great! Oh sorry, the rest of the group are waiting for me. I’ll call, and we can make arrangements. Bring Sam if you like. It’s a casual get-together.”

Ignoring Carine’s flirty goodbye smile for Sam, slightly annoyed at her friend’s obviousness, Sophia took another long sip of the delicious fruity concoction and changed the subject. “Will the rest of your family be there?”

“Yes, the whole bunch of them. Even Ellie’s cousin, Manos Savas, who is here with his children for the summer. He’s promised to bring the little ones. I haven’t seen them since they were babies.”

Attentive, but not wanting to appear so, she lifted her glass to finish her drink and chuckled, “Goodness, it has been a long while for the whole family to be together. I look forward to catching up with everyone.”

Sophia waved her friend off and turned in time to catch the interest that appeared on her companion’s face before he lowered his sunglasses.

Uncomfortable, not really wanting to be with this stranger, she took some euros from her pocket, laid them on the bill tray and made to rise. Before she could take one step, the handsome jerk added, “What time would you like me to pick you up for the party?”