Page 87 of Special Agent Rylee

“What is it you’re not telling me? You’re scaring me.”

Rylee felt tears building up in her eyes. She looked into the worried, loving face of the girl who meant so much to her, the girl she’d always tried to protect from the realities and horrors of life – from the sickness and depravities many suffered.

I’m pregnant!Thank you, thank you…

Unprepared for the overwhelming rush of emotions, her dam burst. It was time to share, time to clear away all the pain she’d clung to since that black day when young Rylee had been forced to see humanity at it’s worst.

Time to open herself to the possibilities of motherhood, of living without shame and guilt, and letting go of so many yucky, shitty things she’d held on to all these years.

She sobbed.

Mari sobbed with her.

And when the walls of secrecy were washed away, she began to talk.

The End