Page 70 of Special Agent Rylee

Chapter Fifty-two

Still in shock from the long hours they spent in the hospital before rushing to the ship, Jake counted his blessings yet again and wondered why things worked out the way they did sometimes. He’d played with the little ones and found them delightful, happy little tykes with dark curls, big brown eyes and overly friendly, with loving personalities of children used to being well treated.

He’d watched Rylee become captivated by the small bodies, warm arms and the delightfully affectionate ways the babies interacted with each other and with Miguel. As if they remembered their brother, they clung to him. And it was clear to any fool with a heart that he adored them.

They’d arrived in time to meet Miguel’s mother, Rosario López, only to see she was fading quickly, tubes providing enough drugs to barely keep her alive. But her heart pumped with a mother’s determination to say goodbye to her eldest son. As mothers do, she’d sensed Miguel would come soon and by a miracle had clung to life.

Miguel, obviously shocked by the appearance of his frail mamá, could hardly speak. He hugged her thin body and wept in her arms, the strength he’d gathered on the trip to the hospital disappearing. It was to Jake that she gave directions for her children.

“Gracias por cuidar a mi hijo.”Her voice had strengthened after she’d seen Miguel safe, but now began to fade. Giving thanks to Jake for taking care of her son, she begged him to help Miguel deliver the babies to the church where they would look after all her children.

Thinking quickly, Jake told her of his blossoming love for Miguel and that he had a home in Miami where he would take care of her children if she would let him adopt them. Could she hold on if he brought a lawyer with documents for her to sign.

Struggling, weeping, happiness giving her strength, Rosario agreed to sign whatever they needed. She’d listened to her boy singing the praises of his new friends and believed they were the miracle she’d prayed for with all her heart – a future for her children and happiness for all three.

Jake searched for the director of the hospital who then gathered a lawyer to write up interim documentation that would give him custody of the López family. It took time, but those temporary papers would give him control and anything less wouldn’t be satisfactory.

Finding himself as the father and provider of a new family kind of shook him up, but how could he not make provisions for the boy he’d become so attached to? Especially when he had the means. A person like him couldn’t live with himself if he’d turned his back, did nothing… walked away.

Papers were drawn for him to use as temporary visas and the lawyer would file the appropriate documents as a follow-up so the laws of the countries pertaining to the adoption would be followed. It never failed to shock him how scads of money spread in the appropriate places could make things happen.

They would allow him to take the children with him on a visiting visa for now, but he would have to return with them for their passports and the final adoption papers to be signed later.

A call to Leo for assistance quickly took place, and he knew his partner could pull whatever strings necessary to make miracles happen stateside upon their arrival back home.

Another call to the ship’s captain ensured them room on board for three more people. It seems a suite came open due to Hakim’s unexpected departure and Jake quickly nabbed it for his suddenly enlarged family.

Next, he had to inform Rylee of his plans and that scared him silly. He’d made these decisions on the spur of the moment, kind of how he made most of his charity choices recently. After seeing Rosario’s condition and realizing he’d be leaving Miguel and his siblings to the mercy of a system already too full, he couldn’t stand by and do nothing.

Jake motioned to Rylee and watched as she shifted Angelina onto her hip as if she’d done so a hundred times and then approached. He led her to a corner of the cheerless visiting area and took her hand in his.

She’d held up well to the continuous shocks today, awkwardly helping with the children and giving Miguel the strength to deal. He’d seen her wink at the boy, pat his shoulder and at one point grab him close, his head on her chest as she whispered something that gave him strength. Miguel adored her. It was obvious. And it was also obvious that she cared about the boy.

“Rylee, I’ve been making arrangements with Rosario about the children.”

“I know. I understand enough Spanish to gather you’re taking responsibility for her family. That’s commendable Jake. They’re lucky you stepped up.”

“And I’m lucky that money can buy most things. In this case. it will smooth the way, deal quickly with necessary documentation, and other than I’ll have to return in a few weeks with the children for the final adoption, things should go smoothly. No doubt, my partner Leo will take over and once he does, everything will happen like clockwork.”

“The man who dropped you at the dock in Miami?”

“The same.”

“Okay, I can see why he would make things happen, he’s pretty intimidating.”

“Yeah, to those who don’t know him. To those of us who do, he’s a pussycat.”

She laughed. “Pussycats and kids. Jake, your collection is mindboggling.”

“Can I add FBI agents?”

“Do you want to?” She stared into his eyes, hers full of questions.

“More than I want to breathe.” He watched her normal hard-assed demeanor change to a woman infatuated, and hoped she’d give him a sign of her true sentiments.

“You’re a good man, Jake. Miguel is lucky and so is this little angel here.” She raised Angelina and held her out while the baby giggled and reached with her plump arms.

“I’m more interested in your thoughts.”

“What do you mean?” Her gaze swiveled to him again, but this time the shutters were back in place.

“We have something good, Rylee. I don’t want anything to come between us. If you can’t accept the children, I have friends who will give them a good home. Don’t let them be a reason you walk away.”

“What makes you think I’m walking away?”

“Don’t mess with me, sugar. You’ve been making space between us ever since we started out with Miguel. I can feel it – see it – and I’m not happy.”

As if she sensed the change in the adults, Angelina’s gorgeous little face began to crumble, and her mouth opened to a wail that meant business. She didn’t like friction. And she wouldn’t stop fretting until Rylee took her walking and jollied her into a happy mood again.

And Jake watched, eyes narrowed in an intense stare. She was going to give him trouble.