Page 51 of Special Agent Rylee

Chapter Thirty-nine

Jake still couldn’t believe the gorgeous woman standing next to him was the Rylee he spent the day with at the Sanctuary. That girl was all simple, down-home freshness that a guy could relax with.

Tonight, he sat opposite a glorious princess, robed in a red silk gown, a movie star who made his tongue feel like it was glued to the top of his mouth.

From the minute he’d walked into her place, he’d been overwhelmed, first by the vision she’d made, and then by her sexy perfume. Lust had raised its ugly head and couldn’t be shook loose.

Alone, after Carlos disappeared, he moved closer, his arms gathering her to him like a precious baby who needed gentle treatment. “Your dress has no back.” His hands caressed the skin which felt as smooth and warm as he’d suspected.

“Mari packed it when I wasn’t looking.”

“I love Mari.”

Rylee laughed. “She’d like you too.” Her eyes glowed in the low lighting, the sultry appeal obvious. Suspecting that she was as affected as himself, he lowered his mouth to hers and flames engulfed. Aroused, consumed with the need to be together, he loved the way she moaned his name, leading him on to taking liberties he knew they didn’t have time for.

“Lady, I want you so much right now, but you need to tell me if you want to make that steak dinner reservation tonight?”

Looking at him through lowered lids, she pulled back, her eyes twinkling. “We should eat first. I’m sorry if it puts the inevitable on hold, but there’s some payback involved here, right?”

Laughing, knowing exactly what she meant, he admitted, “My most sorry, stupid moment. I accept your right to make me suffer, and just so you know baby, it’ll be the sweetest hell a guy has ever had to endure.”


Walking through the various areas of the ship to get to the restaurant, past the open lounge where music was being played, the coffee places and restaurants, the shop selling everything from junk food to clothing, he strutted beside the woman every man wanted.

Shy, almost stuttering, the ridiculous bashfulness of a star-struck teenager had taken over, and he’d be damned if he could get past it.

“Jake, you’re being very quiet tonight. Is everything okay?”

Obviously, Rylee had noticed his preoccupation, but didn’t know why he seemed to be in a fog. “It’s you. You’re so beautiful. I believe I’m intimidated.”

“Seriously? You are?” Rylee preened in a silly way that had him laughing and made all the difference. Once his feet were back on the ground, he was able to act himself.

Of course, the thought in the back of his mind, that tonight was the night, he decided to let things carry on naturally and play the hand she dealt.

They each ordered steak and lobster, sharing a bottle of their best European red Bordeaux, and Jake decided to see if he could pry more information from Rylee about her family.

“Well, let’s see. I’ve already told you about my sister, Mari, who’s two years older than me, the one who owns the dress shop in downtown Miami. If you think I look good, you oughta see her. She’s gorgeous and a clothes horse, always using her own products… a walking advertisement for her shop.”

“She sounds interesting, a real go-getter.”

“She is. And, she’s like a mama bear too. I have to text her every day, or she goes crazy. Though I’ve come down on her for doing so, lately, she’s been calling my boss whenever she can’t contact me, driving the poor guy crazy.”

“What’s he like?”

“Harrison?” Rylee took her time, making sure she didn’t lie, just skirted around the truth. “He’s okay. The females in the office go gaga every time he talks with them.” She patted her heart, breathed deeply and looked upwards as if she was holding off a faint.

He laughed and saw her looking pleased. He reached for her hand. “You care about both of them, but especially Mari.”

“Of course, I do, she’s good people. Worries about others. Is a fabulous shop manager, and she’s always making sure my life is smooth. Unfortunately, because she’s like my surrogate mom, she’s a pain in the ass. I like to give her a hard time.” The satisfaction on her face after the last statement made him laugh again.

“I’m sure you do.” He winked and added, “I bet you’ve always been a handful.”

“A daredevil. That’s what she says. But it’s my jo—.” She cut herself off.

“What? You were saying?” His interest had peaked. Was she going to admit she worked in a dangerous career?

“Here comes the food. I was only saying it’s my job to drive her crazy. After all, I am the younger sister. Which is something I remind her about every chance I get. I’m younger, she’s the old lady.”