Page 12 of Special Agent Rylee


Chapter Nine

Once seated, the venom appeared. “How dare you? I have no idea who you are. I’ll report this incident to the purser.”

“Fine. You do that, Maddie. No doubt he’ll take some action but not before I give you this warning… leave Jake Andrews alone.”

“Excuse me?” Voice dripping with loathing, Madeline was quick to reply. “My Name is not Maddie, it’s Madeline.”

“Yeah, well Mad-die seems more appropriate, considering your recent behavior.”

“My behav… what the hell business is it of yours?” Red lips sneered as the other woman bristled, her flawless white-skinned shoulders rigid with anger.

“Let’s just say I’m a bodyguard hired by an interested party to ensure Jake has the rest he needs. Part of my mandate is to keep people like you away from him. And I take my job very seriously.”

“Well then, listen carefully. I’m no threat to the man. I love him, and I’m sure once he gets to know me, he’ll return the sentiment. When I found out he was travelling on this ship, I knew it was our chance to find each other.”

Something about the other woman’s declaration didn’t ring true. But Rylee let it alone for now to be revisited later. “By the way, how did you find out about this vacation when they purposely kept it quiet? Could it be from the phone tracker that was found in his apartment?” She needed this oriental nut-bar to understand that Jake wanted nothing to do with her and get her agreement that she would back off. “Chrissakes, he’s told you numerous times he isn’t interested. To what lengths does a man have to go to make you accept his rejection?”

Spitting her words, Madelaine’s voice took on a lethal tone and her eyes almost closed, squinting, shrinking more than nature intended. “Jake took my calls and even bought me lunch once. He was infatuated with me, I could tell.”

“And then you spoiled it by appearing everywhere he went until he couldn’t get away from you. The man was being kind.” Once the words erupted, Rylee herself accepted the truth. Reading through the files, she’d recognized his penchant for thoughtfulness, but had ignored what had been staring at her. A truth she couldn’t ignore now – either the man had a soft head or a big heart. She hadn’t made up her mind yet which title he deserved most. “Look, enough is enough. Either leave him alone, or I’ll lodge a complaint, and have you removed from the ship.”

Instead of the angry reaction Rylee had expected, a cold threat greeted her. “You can’t keep us apart forever. I’ll get through to Jake. I always do… no matter what. And anyone who gets in my way, will be harshly dealt with, so watch your back, bitch.”

Maddie stood – her glare of hatred a parting shot. As she marched away, her dainty body moved with the gracefulness of an athlete, her ass drawing the attention from many men in the vicinity and her low-cut, revealing dress had the women’s eyes bulging with envy.

Before Rylee could move, a voice registered, and her jumpy reaction embarrassed the professional in her.