Chapter Fifty-two

Charli sent a signal to Angie by waving her fingers as if to say pass it over. The slight nod led her to believe she’d listen, but Angie was all heart, and she’d gotten very attached to Poppa John.

What if she decided to take the shot herself and risk them both getting killed? Charli couldn’t stand the thought, and the stress she’d shed began to reassert itself.

Her foot started shaking on the gas pedal, and her heart double-timed so that swallowing hurt.

God, no. Don’t let me lose it now. God!

The atmosphere, sinister and heavy, added to her reaction. She needed to say something, lighten the tension.

“Where are you taking us?”

“Just keep driving. There’s a nice quiet shop a few miles further down that’s closed for business today, seems that they’re all attending a wedding. We won’t be interrupted if we stop there. And don’t try any funny business.”

“You can bet on it when you have my grandfather beside you.”

“Good, because I might just take pity on the old bastard, he’s a smart man. I like smart people.”

“Then you’ll love him. They say he’s a genius.”

“Just shut up and drive.”

Charli kept her eye on the road behind, praying that Blake saw them take the turn-off. She couldn’t see him anymore, but then neither would Dylan, which was just as well. He didn’t seem to recognize Blake’s vehicle while they were on the busy highway, but on this out-of-the-way street, he’d spot it instantly.

After all, it had been the vehicle she’d used to chauffer Kayla around from the time they first arrived. She just prayed he hadn’t seen them driving it. According to the itinerary they’d set up for him, he only just found the house, so the chances were excellent he wouldn’t recognize it.

She finally saw the older building where, no doubt, he meant for them to stop. Intense panic built rapidly. Her saliva glands began working overtime. Forced to swallow repeatedly to stop from hurling, her mouth became dry, her throat parched. The muscles in her stomach clenched, the pain so intense she feared she’d double over.

Afraid that the pounding in her chest couldn’t go on much longer without her heart bursting, she let out a small moan. Her foot lifted from the gas. Angie’s hand grabbing hers gave her a lifeline. She grasped it tightly, using her awesome will power to force calm.

“Why are you slowing down here? Keep going until you’re in front of the shop and then pull in behind the trees.”

Angie swiveled, her tone hard. “She’s not well. Give her a few seconds. You can hold off shooting us for that long, can’t you?” Angie’s bravery sharpened Charli’s wits. With the extreme strength of necessity, she came out of her funk.

No doubt, the fact that Angie had passed over her gun had a lot to do with it too. Now she felt back in charge… somewhat. She had the means to protect. She just needed the chance.

While she leaned forward to check on Kayla, who’d sat in misery the whole time they’d driven, sniffing occasionally, she tucked the gun out of sight. “You okay?”

Kayla returned her gaze and nodded. “Whatever happens, I’m so sorry that I started this nightmare.”

Fed up with her remorse, Dylan raged, “You should be fucking sorry, kid. You’ve given me nothing but grief. Now this is the way we’re going to play it. I’ve got my gun aimed at John’s heart. Right? So you will all get out of the vehicle and come to the back of the van. Then you will circle around us as we walk to the shop.” He hit John on his shoulder when he tried to wrestle away. “And you, you old bastard. If you give me any grief, I’ll shoot your precious Charli, don’t think I won’t. She’s been another huge thorn in my side. Now it’s payback time and trust me, this will be enjoyable.”