Page 61 of A Perfect Discovery

Several cars, vans and trucks were already in the ferry queue and Calum followed the attendant’s direction into Lane B.

He dragged on the handbrake, flipped open his wallet and pushed in the tickets. ‘Best keep them safe, I don’t want to lose them for the way back. I’ll jog over to Mum and Dad’s and see what they’ve got for me.’

‘Is it your birthday?’

‘No, that was two months ago.’ He bent in and kissed her cheek. ‘I won’t be long. I’ll leave the keys.’

He crossed the loading lane onto the promenade that ran around beside the bus park. His parents’ house was already in view as he took the shore path. Strolling along with his hands in his pockets, he glanced back. The car was out of view. How things had changed. Calum Matheson had left his vehicle at the mercy of a Lamond. He rounded the corner, smirking, and hopped up to the gate. Knocking was a formality, and after one rap, he pushed the door open.

‘Hello, is anybody home?’

‘Ah, Calum, aw’ right, son.’ Ron came out the kitchen, pulling a jacket onto his bulky frame. ‘Mum’s just hanging up the washing and we’ll be ready.’

‘Ready for what?’

‘Oh, I forgot, she hasn’t told you. We’re coming to watch.’

‘You’re what?’

‘Aye, she wanted to surprise you. Curse my big mouth but no harm done. You’d have found out ten seconds from now anyway.’

Heat rose up Calum’s neck. ‘Honestly, Dad, there’s no need for you to watch.’

‘We know that.’ Ron clapped him on both arms and beamed. ‘But we want to support our lad.’

‘No, seriously. It’ll be deadly dull. Can’t we go for dinner another time instead?’

‘Oh, stop it. Do you think your old mum and dad mind spending a day with their lad?’

‘Of course I don’t.’ He sank his teeth into the inside of his lip.This is all I need.‘Thing is, Dad, I’ve already got someone… a friend, coming with me.’

‘Wonderful.’ Ron grinned. ‘We can all cheer for you. Who is it? Will?’

‘No,’ Calum muttered. ‘She’s… um…’

Ron’s eyebrows shifted high up his forehead towards his shiny bald scalp. ‘She?Ooh, son, you kept that one quiet.’

‘Yeah, exactly. So, you see, it could get awkward.’

‘Oh, so she’s a proper girlfriend.’ Ron clapped Calum’s arms. ‘Well done.’

‘No, Dad. Not that.’ His neck must be beetroot by now; it burned right to his ears. He didn’t want to deny her, but how could he confess?

‘Ah, there you are.’ Anne bustled in and grabbed her coat. ‘Has Dad told you the surprise?’


‘It’s exciting, isn’t it?’ She bounded up and pinched his cheeks. ‘I haven’t watched you compete for such a long time. I can’t wait to cheer you on.’


‘He’s taking a girlfriend,’ Ron said. ‘I’m not sure he wants us going along too.’

‘That’s not what I said.’

Anne’s face fell. ‘A girlfriend.’

‘A friend, yes, and she happens to be a girl… a woman.’ This was getting worse. He pinched the bridge of his nose.