Page 23 of A Perfect Discovery

Will took the card. ‘Calum.’ He frowned, though Will never managed to make that look remotely threatening. ‘We don’t need money.’

‘It’s not for you. It’s for Angus. Put it away somewhere for him and let me know anything else you need or want.’

‘This is too generous.’

‘It certainly is.’ Morven goggled the money.

Calum shrugged it off. ‘It’s well deserved.’

‘I told you already.’ Will grinned. ‘All we need is a babysitter.’

‘Done,’ said Calum.

‘You’re serious?’ Will stared at him.

‘If that’s what you want. Though maybe when he’s a bit bigger. He’s best with the two of you for now.’

‘Brilliant.’ Will rubbed his hands together, watching Calum with a raised eyebrow.

‘Do you want to hold him?’ Morven edged closer.

‘Will it wake him up?’

‘I don’t think so. He seems quite sound. If I put him on you like this, he’ll probably stay sleeping.’

Calum stood stock-still as she gently lifted Angus’s little body from her shoulder, raised him up and placed him on Calum. The warm weight of him soothed every negative thought and the touch of his little cheek on Calum’s neck calmed his pulse rate. ‘He’s adorable.’ Calum curled his palm around Angus’s back, holding him firmly but gently, revering him for the precious little human he was. ‘You’re a beautiful boy,’ he whispered. ‘Just beautiful. And when I come to babysit, we’ll have lots of fun.’

Will furrowed his brow, then grinned. ‘There may be trouble ahead.’

‘There may indeed.’ Calum stroked Angus’s back, breathing slowly.

‘You need one of your own,’ Morven said and Will cleared his throat.

‘Maybe I do.’ Calum stared out the window. ‘But not yet.’

‘Er, no,’ Will said. ‘You’re missing a vital part of the equation.’

‘Exactly.’ Calum circled his palm over the precious little bundle. ‘Now, how about I hand him back because sadly I have work to do and much as I’d love to stay for more cuddles, I really can’t.’

After he’d said goodbye, he got into his car and sat for a few moments. Cuddling and hugging wasn’t him. Not these days. He started the engine and pulled out. His mum kept telling him he’d been the cuddliest boy ever as a child, but he couldn’t remember, or maybe he didn’t want to. Cuddling little Angus had been a new sensation. Not a bad one, all things considered. Getting to the stage where he could have one himself was like negotiating a thousand-mile obstacle course. He wasn’t averse to relationships but he liked to keep them neat – and short. Dates were ok, especially if they involved eating out somewhere smart. Sex was fine, as long as kissing and cuddling were kept to a minimum and that was definitely a problem. Even hard-as-nails women he’d dated liked a lot more cuddling than he was comfortable with. But what the hell could he do about it? Something was always missing. An emotional connection to make himwantto get close.

He pulled up in the quarried parking spot at Kilnarkie. White clouds drifted high in a blue canopy and the air was warm enough not to need a jacket. Calum had followed Rhona’s instructions and worn old clothes, older than usual anyway; he didn’t have anything too old. Keeping smart was part of who he was. Still, he’d put on a plain navy t-shirt with his oldest jeans and thick walking boots. He took off the blazer he’d worn for Will’s benefit – Will would get suspicious about where he was going if he turned up in anything less than his usual – and stowed it in the boot.

Rhona was already there, chatting to the excavator driver. Her grey t-shirt was tucked into black hipster jeans, which clung to the curve of her bottom. A long ponytail dangled down her back and she flicked it as she chatted. Thoughts scrambled about in Calum’s brain, churning out an unexpected mash-up of Rhona holding baby Angus. Wild imaginings of her cradling a tiny baby of her own flooded Calum’s brain. It was his baby. Their baby. They’d made it together.Seriously, what?

She spun around, spotted him and waved. Now was the time for him to get a grip on himself. Cuddling a baby had sent him on a wander down crazy street. Now he was imagining having babies with the first woman he saw. Projection, right?

Rhona drifted towards him, beaming from ear to ear. She jumped over a rocky patch, her chest bounced and her cheeks glowed pink. Calum’s insides burst into flames. The heat spread through his body until sweat broke out on his brow. Did she have any idea what she did to him? Those curves, that face, the hair. Red hot.Jesus Christ, if he’d been asked to design his perfect woman…This, just this.Her physical attributes, plus her intelligence, her shining smile. Every box ticked except one final one. Surname? Lamond. That box was enough to override all the others.

‘Good morning, Mr Matheson.’ She glanced up as she reached him with a cheeky grin.

‘Miss Lamond.’ He folded his arms.

She shoved her hands in her back pockets, thrusting her well-formed chest forward. He swallowed, his jaw tensing.Eyes on hers. Nowhere else.

‘I’m trying not to get too excited.’ She beamed.

‘Me too,’ muttered Calum. ‘Have you started without me? Has something turned up already?’