Page 44 of A Perfect Discovery

‘Seriously? You’re a skinny rake. I probably weigh more than you.’

‘I don’t think so, somehow. You’re titchy.’

‘If only. I’m average height and… curvy.’

‘Nothing wrong with that. Looks pretty good to me.’

Heat scorched her cheeks. He really thought that?

He tested the step again, then made his way up. ‘Well, shift over. Are you sure there’s room in there for both of us?’

‘Kind of.’

‘And it won’t fall?’

‘It’s fairly stable. I didn’t realise you were so nervous.’

‘I’m not normally. But how do I know this hasn’t been booby-trapped against Mathesons?’

Rhona shuffled into the corner with a grin as Calum hoisted himself in through the hatch. A patch of dust streaked his navy blazer and he scraped more from his jeans. ‘I see you cleaned this brilliantly.’

‘I forgot about your clean fetish.’

‘It is not a fetish. There’s nothing wrong with liking to be clean.’

Rhona suppressed a giggle. ‘Look at the view and see if it was worth it.’

Calum climbed onto his knees. ‘I should have brought my cushion.’ He leaned on the ledge and peered out. ‘It is a good view though. Shame it’s a bit cloudy today. I guess I take the views here for granted.’ He crawled around the hatch and parked next to Rhona. ‘I should go. I have lots still to do. Thanks for helping me release my inner crazy again.’ He swung his legs over the edge.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Whenever I’m with you I end up doing something mad.’

‘Do you mean dirty?’

‘I’m not sure I do.’ He threw her a look over his shoulder and she covered her face.

‘Oh my god, that sounded so dodgy.’

‘That’s your MO though, isn’t it?’ He gave a dry laugh and she peeked through her fingers. When he smiled, he was irresistible. His sea-green eyes sparkled. The sun poked through the clouds sending dappled shadows through the window.

‘I once caught Arran snogging his girlfriend up here.’ Rhona smirked.

‘Don’t tell me – Hannah McDonald.’

‘How did you know that?’

‘Because she was the girl I liked, so… Er, never mind.’

‘Well… I have a confession too.’

‘Oh, Jesus, what? You’ve found some precious treasure at the dig?’ He half turned so he was facing her, his legs still hanging over the edge.

‘No, nothing like that.’ Her cheeks burned. ‘I used to have a crush on you at school.’

He stared at her and his dark eyebrows met in the middle. ‘On me? I don’t think so.’

‘Definitely on you.’