He looks just as stunned to see me. His tired eyes dart between me and the door like he’s trying to decide whether to stay or run.

I’m speechless. I consider calling Logan to come back out to serve Joel, but instead I find myself forcing the smile back on to my face and saying, “How can I help you?”

Joel stares at me a moment longer before clearing his throat and saying, “I’m, uh, after a gift for my sister.”

“Sure.” I nod. “How old is she? Do you know what type of books she likes to read?”

He tugs on his hair. “She’s turning fourteen. I know she likes books likePercy JacksonandThe Hunger Games.”

I start walking toward the Middle Grade section of the store, indicating for Joel to follow me. “I have the perfect book. It’s by the same author ofPercy Jacksonbut it has a female protagonist. It’s the first book in the series.” I scan the shelves looking for a copy ofDaughters of the Deep. “If she likesPercy Jackson, I’m sure she’s going to love this.”

“Thanks,” Joel mutters, not meeting my eye as he takes the book from my hand.

“No worries.”

He doesn’t move toward the registers. Instead he hovers in front of the bookshelf, leading me to ask, “Was there anything else?”

“Uh, how’s…” he clears his throat again. “How’s Oli doing? He, uh, he hasn’t been at school all week…”

My stomach twists and it has nothing to do with hunger. I press my lips together. Joel had pushed Oliver up against the wall of the club last week after the run in with Sarah, causing Oliver to hit his head and resulting in the trip to the emergency room. Whether the blow had caused more damage or if it had just emphasised how bad the swelling on his brain had gotten, Joel was still responsible for Oliver’s concussion and his subsequent heartbreak over not being able to achieve his AFL dreams.

“Sorry.” Joel shakes his head. “I shouldn’t have asked, I just–”

“He ended up back in hospital last Saturday night,” I blurt out.

Joel’s eyes snap up to mine. “He did? Why?”

I bite my lip. I don’t know how much I should say. “He, I, uh, listen, this is between you and Oli. I really don’t want to get in the middle of this.” I take the book out of Joel’s hand and head toward the registers.

“Is he okay?” Joel asks behind me. He lets out a quiet curse. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t mean for any of it.”

“I’m not the one you need to tell this to.” I sign into the computer with my employee code and scan the barcode on the book. “That’s eighteen dollars.”

He hands me a twenty. “How did… how did you…” he takes a deep breath and forces his gaze back up to meet mine. “Tiana told me what Sarah’s been doing to you, and that you knew they were hooking up behind my back.” I wince at the pain behind his words. “But you and Oli have obviously worked things out if you’re with him now. How did you forgive him?”

I stare at him, dropping the change back into his hand. “I–” I blow out a deep breath. “Oli and I have been friends since we were five. I was really hurt that he did what he did, but he was dealing with some pretty intense stuff. Not that that excuses what he did, because it doesn’t. But he apologised and I wasn’t ready to let go of everything we’ve been through together. He’s my boyfriend now, but he was my best friend before that, and that’s what helped me to forgive him.”

He hangs his head, his eyes shining. “Sarah and I were together for two years. She knows what I’ve had to put up–” sighing, Joel shakes his head. “Never mind. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. Thanks for the book. Can we just keep this between us?”

Too stunned to say anything, I just nod and watch him trudge out of Bluebird Books.What was all that about?

Oliver doesn’t answer his phone when I try to call him after work so I go past his house, but no one answers the door. I send him a message asking him to call me, and head home to work on editing some of the articles that have piled up for the next edition of the school magazine. I let myself into my house, calling out to my parents that I’m home, but I stop short at the living room when I spot Macca on the couch playing video games with Brad.

“Hey,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry to drop in like this, but we gotta talk.”

“Oh-kay…” I glance at Brad, not wanting to ask questions in front of him. I have no idea whether Macca’s here to talk about Oliver or Ashley, and we’ve never really hung out just the two of us before. “Um … do you want a hot chocolate?”


He follows me to the kitchen, where my dad’s getting dinner prep done, so we make small talk until our hot chocolates are ready, and then I lead him out to the back deck. I settle on the comfy lounge setting, tucking my legs up underneath me while Macca leans up against the house.

“What’s up?” I ask, blowing on my hot chocolate to cool it down.

“Uh, have you spoken to Oli?”

I shake my head. “He didn’t answer his phone, and no one was home when I went past there after work.”