As we creep through the quiet house toward his bedroom, I try to level my breathing. The door to his bedroom creaks open, and he presses it closed behind us. After passing me some shorts and a T-shirt to sleep in, Oliver respectfully turns around while I change out of my dress and climb into his bed.
The familiar smell of him on the sheets, a mix of man and Lynx body spray, brings a smile to my face as I snuggle deeper. I watch as he unbuttons the top couple of buttons on his shirt before pulling it over his head. My eyes travel over the rippling muscles on his back causing my body to tingle. He slips his pants off and slides into bed next to me wearing only his underwear. I nestle into the crook of his good shoulder when he extends his arm out for me and rest my head on his chest with my hand on his stomach, feeling it rise and fall with every breath.
“Han?” Oliver whispers into the dark. “I meant what I said tonight. I would never cheat on you. Sarah was a mistake. One I wish I could go back and change.”
“I know,” I murmur, failing to stifle a yawn.
He traces patterns on my arm with his finger making me shiver. “You’re not just my girlfriend, you’re still my best friend, too, and I just need you to know I will never purposefully do anything to hurt you because I…” he pauses. His heart thumps loudly in his chest. “Because I love you.”
My stomach flutters as I look up at him in the dark. “Wh-what?”
Oliver finds my lips with his, and I’m swept up in his kisses. Heat spreads through me as he moulds his body to mine. His teeth nip my bottom lip, sending a jolt of electricity through me.
“You don’t have to say anything,” he murmurs, pulling away only far enough that our noses still touch. “I just really needed to tell you.”
I bring my hands up to cup his face and take a deep breath before whispering, “I love you.”
“Come here.” He grins, pulling me back into his arms, my head once again resting on his chest. “I can’t wait to wake up with you tomorrow.” I stifle another yawn, and he laughs. “Let’s get some sleep.”
I close my eyes, a huge smile still covering my face.Oliver loves me. I love him.As I’m drifting off to the steady rise and fall of his chest, I’ve never felt so happy. I don’t need to worry about all the drama with Sarah. Oliver will never do anything to hurt me.
Sometime in the early morning, I wake to Oliver groaning and clutching his head. I reach over him and flick on the lamp sitting on his bedside table. His eyes are pinched shut, his mouth twists into a grimace.
My stomach clenches as I rest my hand gently on his cheek. “Oli? What’s going on? What do you need me to do?”
“Mum,” he manages to choke out. “Get Mum. Something’s not–” He grits his teeth. “Something’s not right.”
I scramble out of his bed and race down the hallway to Michelle’s bedroom and knock on the door until she answers, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.
“Hannah?” she asks, her face twisting into confusion. “What’s going on?”
“It’s Oli.” I try to keep my voice as calm as I can, but fear is coursing through my veins making it shake. I grab her hand, pulling her down the hall towards Oliver’s bedroom. “Something’s wrong. He’s in pain. I don’t know what’s going on.”
By the time we get back to Oliver, his face is pale, gleaning with sweat. “Mum,” he grunts out. “My head.” His face contorts in pain.
“We need to get him to the hospital,” Michelle instructs me. “Can you grab him some clothes while I get dressed? If you can, get him out to the car.”
I blush, looking down at Oliver’s t-shirt and shorts I’m wearing, but Oliver groans again, and I rush to his cupboard to grab a pair of sweats and a long sleeve top as his mum leaves the room. My hands tremble as I help him into his clothes. I grab a jumper for myself, not wanting to put my dress back on.
With Oliver half leaning on me, I help him out to the hallway; and we make our way on shaky legs to the garage where Michelle’s waiting with the car already running.
“What happened last night?” she asks, glancing in the rear-view mirror as we drive toward the hospital. “Did he have too much to drink?”
I shake my head. “No, he only had a couple of drinks. He said the music and the lights were giving him a headache. I only saw him drinking water after that.”
Michelle purses her lips. “And nothing else happened?”
I glance down at Oliver, not sure how much he wants his mum to know.
“Joel,” Oliver grunts. His eyes are still squeezed shut, his fingers pressing down on his temples. “I had a… run in… with Joel.”
Michelle sighs. “Seriously, Oli. You need to stay away from that boy.”
I pick up my phone, clicking on the latest text message from Hannah.