I let out a deep breath as I rest my chin on Hannah’s head and close my eyes. My head’s still throbbing from hitting the wall, but I can’t let onto Hannah how bad it is. I don’t want to worry her anymore. This blow up has been brewing for weeks. I’m glad it’s finally done and dusted. Hopefully Hannah and I can finally catch a break.


The cool air makes me shiver and I pull my jacket on as we wait for a taxi out the front of East End a couple of hours later. Oliver wraps his arm around me, and I snuggle closer. Macca shrugs his jacket off, handing it to Ashley.

“Oh no,” she groans. “I left my handbag upstairs behind the bar.”

“I’ll get it,” Macca offers, jogging back to the entrance of the club.

I hide my grin against Oliver’s chest as Ashley rests her chin on my shoulder.

“Have you ever noticed how good Macca smells?” she whispers loudly, lifting the collar of his jacket towards her nose, breathing deep.

Oliver shakes with silent laughter and I swat him. “Can’t say I have, no.”

“And he’s not a bad dancer, either.”

“Not to mention, he just happens to be my boyfriend’s best mate,” I point out, raising my eyebrows.

“Hmm. Definitely a bonus.” Ashley covers her face and groans. “I never thought I’d even contemplate dating a footy player.”

“Hey!” Oliver says feigning offence. “There’s nothing wrong with dating a footy player.”

Macca returns with Ashley’s handbag as a taxi pulls up to the sidewalk. It’s only a five-seater and I groan. We’re not all going to fit.

Ashley glances at Macca before turning back to me. “I’m not sure I’m ready to go home yet,” she announces, giving me a not-so-subtle wink. This time, Oliver can’t hold back his snort of laughter. “It’s still my birthday. Who’s up for more dancing?”

JD nudges Macca, who nods. “Count us in.”

I glance up at Oliver. He’s massaging his temples.

“You okay?” I ask.

“Headache.” He grimaces.

“It’s all good, Hannah.” Macca says with a grin. “We’ll get Ash home later.”

I pull Ashley in for a hug, whispering, “You okay?”

She nods, pushing me towards the back of the taxi, where Oliver is holding the door for me. “Go. Get your boyfriend home. I’ll call you tomorrow when I drag my arse out of bed.”

Waving to my friend as she links her arm through Macca’s and heads to the next club, I snuggle back against Oliver and yawn. The events of tonight finally catching up to me.

“Hey,” Oliver murmurs into my hair. “Tonight didn’t go to plan, but do you think you could maybe sleep over? I know we haven’t done that since we were kids,” he rushes on. “But do you think your parents would let you?”

I bite my lip.What exactly is he asking? Does he want to… no, surely not. We’re not there yet.I’mnot there yet.

“Umm…” My stomach flip flops.

He runs his fingers through my hair, letting them rest on my cheek. “I’m not pressuring you to do anything. It’s just to sleep. I, uh, after everything that went down, I…” he shakes his head. “Never mind, it was stupid.”

I twist around to face him, drawing him closer and kissing him. The soft pressure of his lips against mine sends a warm buzz through my veins. I press my hands up against his chest, feeling the thudding beat of his heart. “It wasn’t stupid,” I whisper, peppering kisses along his jaw.

Oliver cups my chin and runs his thumb over my swollen lips before kissing them. “So, you’ll stay?”

I nod, pulling out my phone to text my mum while he gives new directions to the taxi driver.

His house is dark when we pull up out the front. Oliver pays the fare as I climb out and wait for him on the sidewalk. My pulse quickens as he takes my hand. Even though I’ve stayed at his house numerous times when we were kids, this somehow feels different. It is different. He isn’t just my best friend anymore. He’s my boyfriend.