“Where did you get…” I shake my head. Not the point. “How often are you getting the black outs?”

His eyes drop to the bed. “Not that often.”

“Oli…” I warn, narrowing my eyes.

He groans. “Like once every couple of days.”

My mouth drops open. “Thisisserious, Oli. You need to tell the doctor. You need to get checked out.”

He dismisses my concerns with a shake of his head. “They said it can be normal after a severe concussion. It’s getting longer between them so it’s already starting to settle down. They’ll go away eventually. It only happened today because I was concentrating in my classes for too long. I just need to take it easy.”

“You’re in year twelve,” I point out. “You can’t really take it easy. Why don’t you tell your mum? She can talk to your teacher’s, at least get you some special consideration.”

Oliver shakes his head again. “Seriously, Han, this is why I didn’t tell you.” He brings his hand up and cups my cheek, pulling me closer until our noses touch. “I promise you, it’s nothing to worry about. They’ll have stopped by next week, okay?”

I close my eyes, not liking this new information about his head injury one bit. “And if they don’t?”

His lips meet mine, his kisses growing in urgency as his fingers thread through the back of my hair. “Then I’ll tell Mum. Promise me you won’t say anything?” He murmurs against my lips. I nod, wrapping my arms around his neck, but he pulls away.

“Promise me, Han. I wanna hear you say it.”

“I promise.” I don’t feel good about it, but I will keep a close eye on him and if they get any worse, I know I can convince him to tell someone.


The downside to Hannah knowing about the headaches is the thirteen text messages she sends me over the next three days, checking up on me. I groan as my phone buzzes for the fourteenth time at lunch on Thursday.

“Thanks a lot,” I mutter to Macca, shooting him a dirty look as I pull my phone out of my pocket.

He just shrugs. “She’s worried about you. That was scary shit on Monday, man. You’re just lucky I was there. Next time you might not get so lucky.”

I roll my eyes, but it’s true.

The pain in my head after we finished history had been so intense, I’d barely made it to the toilets before vomiting my guts up. It caused me to black out, and if Macca hadn’t followed me, I could’ve smashed my head on the back of the stall door and knocked myself out again.

He refused to let me walk home, despite my protests that I wasn’t getting in his car. Especially since he’d only had it for a couple of days. He tracked down Nate Featherstone, the school’s ‘pharmacist’, and paid him twenty bucks for two Valium. Macca didn’t know the full extent of why I’m reluctant to get in a vehicle–he has no idea about the nightmares–but I’m sure he put two and two together with my dad and the accident.

“It was a one off,” I assure him, quickly typing another message to Hannah to let her know I’m fine, and I’ll come over to her place after school so she can see for herself. “I haven’t had any headaches since, so the docs must’ve been right,” I lie. None that’ve been so obvious or happened around him anyway.

Macca nods, but I can tell by the look on his face he doesn’t believe me. Instead of pushing it though, he decides to change the subject. “Legal Studies with Joel next.”

I bury my head in my phone feigning indifference despite the blood rushing to my head. “So?”

I’ve seen Joel a couple of times at school, but he’s kept his distance. Apparently, his coach advised him to stay away from me to keep any slim chance of him getting drafted alive.

The bell rings and I sigh. “C’mon. Let’s get this over with.”

Macca and I are among the first to reach the classroom, so we drop into chairs at the back.

“How’s the shoulder?” Patrick McCarthy asks, pulling out the chair in front of me and straddling it.

“Getting there,” I say, adjusting the sling. I rub at the spot where it digs into my neck.

“How many weeks you got?”

I raise my eyebrows with a grin. “Hoping to be back when we play you in five weeks.”

“Nice.” He laughs. “I heard it was a pretty dirty hit. Doesn’t surprise me with Joel.”