“What’s that supposed to mean?” I snap.

“After everything Oliver put you through, you still forgave him and now you’re dating him.”

“We’ve been friends since we…” I pinch my lips together and Tiana raises her eyebrows.

“We’re not so different, you and I. We’ve both put up with a lot from the people who we’ve been friends with since forever. But sometimes when you’ve been through a lot together, it’s easier to forgive.”

My phone buzzes, and I glance down at the screen, my stomach dropping when I see it’s just a text message from my mum. Dad’s working late and she’s taking Brad to music lessons, so I’ll have to get myself sorted for dinner.

I sigh. I’m not mad at Tiana. I’m not even mad at Ashley for calling me out, or Sarah for her nasty comments. I’m mad at myself for taking out my anxiety and frustration on someone who didn’t deserve it.

“Look,” I say, tugging on the hem of my school shirt. “I’m sorry for blowing up at you like that. If you’re not doing anything tonight, you could come past my house after school? We could get some work done on the magazine?”

Tiana offers me a small smile. “Thanks, but I have plans tonight. I’ll just meet you on Friday with Mr Porter to work on the magazine.”

“Okay, sure. Friday.”

Tiana leaves me standing there, looking down at my phone, willing Oliver to send me a Snap, a message, anything. The bell rings and I pocket my phone again, heading for my locker. At least I have English lit and humanities for the last two sessions. No Sarah or Caley, and, I sigh again, no Ashley.

As I’m walking home from school on my own, I turn as a car horn sounds behind me. A brand-new silver SUV pulls up next to me. Oliver winds down the passenger side window, and Macca nods at me from behind the wheel.

“Hey there, good looking. Can we give you a lift anywhere?” Oliver smirks.

I roll my eyes, leaning in to kiss him. “Nice wheels.” I climb into the backseat confused by how calm Oliver appears to be, considering he’s riding in a car. “Who’d you rob?”

Oliver twists around in his seat to flash his trademark grin that stirs something in my stomach. “Macca’s dad bought him a car.”

Macca shrugs. “The perks of having a deadbeat dad who comes in and out of your life thinking he can just buy off your forgiveness.”

I offer him a sympathetic smile.

“I’m not complaining. Mum is so much happier with him out of her life.”

“Right.”What am I supposed to say to that?Turning my attention back to Oliver, I ask, “So, how was school?”

Macca glances over at Oliver. “It was–”

“Fine,” Oliver interrupts. “It was fine.”

Macca raises his eyebrows, but Oliver gives a small shake of his head. I purse my lips but decide not to push it until we’re alone later. An awkward silence falls over the car as Macca pulls back out into the traffic.

I watch Oliver carefully, wondering how he’s so fine about being in a car, especially one driven by someone who only just got their licence. It’s barely noticeable, but his body is rigid in the seat, and his right hand is tapping a fast beat against his knee. I reach over and squeeze his arm.

“You okay?”

“Yeah,” he says, looking back at me. He tries to smile, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m fine.”

“What’s Ash up to?” Macca clears his throat.

Oliver nudges him with another smirk, and I wonder what that’s all about. “We could pick her up and all go back to mine to watch a movie?”

I swallow. “Um, she has rehearsals.” My stomach twists at the lie.

“Nah, my sister’s in the show,” Macca says, trying to be helpful. “They have rehearsals Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.”

“Yeah, she was running lines with Lucas or something.” I shrug, trying to maintain a straight face. “I dunno. She said she couldn’t hang out tonight. What movie were you thinking?”