My brother nods. “Fair enough. Still sucks though.”
I settle back to watch the game with him, but it isn’t long until the black spots creep over my vision for the second time tonight. I try blinking them away, but I know what’s coming. Feigning a yawn, I retreat to my bedroom, stopping off at the bathroom to swallow a couple more painkillers.
The throbbing in my skull sets in as I close my bedroom door. I lean back against it and squeeze my eyes shut. My stomach churns, and I take a deep breath in through my nose and out through my mouth, waiting for the painkillers to kick in. They’re taking longer and longer every time.
After the headache and nausea finally passes, I strip off my clothes and climb into bed letting out a huge sigh. Two close calls, first at Hannah’s, and then again with my brother. I can’t get clearance to return to the football field until the headaches clear up. No one knows the headaches are still happening, and no one is going to find out. I have it all under control.I’m fine.
All day Monday I keep checking my phone, anxious to hear how Oliver’s first day back at school is going. Despite all his bluster and bull shit about running into Joel not being a big deal, Oliver is angry and hurt about what happened on the footy field. I don’t want him to sink back into the same routine of retreating into himself like after the accident. I can’t handle losing him again now that he’s more than just my best friend.
“Earth to Hannah.” Ashley waves her hand in front of my face.
I look up from my phone. “Sorry, what?”
She rolls her eyes. “I asked if you’ll come shopping with me on the weekend to help me find a dress for my eighteenth?”
“Of course I will. Why would you think you even need to ask?” I glance down at my phone again.
Ashley reaches over and plucks my phone out of my hands. “Really? I’ve barely seen you in the last two weeks.”
I sigh. “I’ve been–”
“Hanging out with your boyfriend. I know.” She places my phone face down in front of me. “I love you, and I’m happy for you, but I just miss my best friend.”
“I’m sorry. He’s just been through a lot this last five months and–”
“And you’re his girlfriend now. I get it.” She picks at her fingernails. “I just want you to be careful.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Ashley glances over at where Sarah, Caley, and Tiana are sitting across the courtyard from us. “It’s just… Oliver shut you out for over a month, and he was hooking up with Sarah.” She holds my gaze when I wince at the harshness of her words, but it doesn’t stop her from continuing. “All of a sudden you two are talking again, and, bam, you guys are a couple.” She shrugs. “It all happened rather quickly. I just don’t want to see you get hurt if he changes his mind again.”
I scowl at her and grab my phone off the table, shoving it in my pocket. “It wasn’t just ‘bam’ we’re a couple. You know that. Besides, I’ve been friends with Oli for thirteen years, and he just lost his dad. Of course I’m going to cut him some slack. You were the one making all thesegrandplans at the start of the year which included me and Oli getting together. Now what? You’re jealous because I have a boyfriend and Lucas barely even knows your alive?”
Ashley reels back as if I’d slapped her. “Nice. Real nice.” She stands up, blinking back tears. “You know, all I wanted was to hang out with my best friend. Not some bitch who looks like her.” She storms off, leaving me open mouthed and wondering how that went south so quickly.
“Trouble in paradise?” Sarah sneers as she, Caley and Tiana walk past on their way to the canteen.
Anger is bubbling inside of me, and I can’t help myself from shooting back at her, “I don’t know, howarethings going with you and Joel?” I cock my head to the side. “I know Oli wants nothing to do with you.”
Sarah snorts. “Like I want anything to do with broken goods anyway. You’re welcome to my sloppy seconds.”
Blood rushes to my head, and I take a step toward Sarah, fists clenched, but Tiana puts a hand out to stop me. “It’s not worth it,” she mutters, looking at the ground.
Sarah glances back and forth between the two of us. “Like she would have the guts anyway. You two are just as pathetic as each other. Come on Caley, the stench of loser is making me sick.”
Caley casts a concerned look back at Tiana as Sarah pulls her away. Tiana just stares down at the ground, picking at her fingernails.
“Why are you even friends with them?” I explode, taking my pent-up anger out on her. “They treat you like shit.”
Her cheeks redden and she looks up at me with tears sparkling in her pale blue eyes. “Our parents are friends. We’ve known each other since we were babies. They’re really not that bad.”
I roll my eyes. “They are the definition of bitches. Surely you can find someone nicer to hang out with?”
“You can talk,” she mutters.